I have been doing some research. WHAT kind of plastics do I want?

I am 35 pounds from goal. I am 150. My goal is 115. I know what i would like done but am having trouble figuring out what kind of surgery. I would like my shins lipoed or skin removed, my thighs same as shins, my butt not so saggy and all the floopy skin off my tummy. i have currently lost about 75 pounds. I was a light weight . I also wonder do I need to lose more weight before my surgery. I will have to private pay as my ins. denied having my skin removed as I do not have enough problems with sores and etc. they say.I am not really worried about my arms or breasts at this point. Also will the extra skin on my back be taken off too? I did seea plastic surgeon but he says they do not do a thigh lift and tummy tuck at the same time, which I thought was odd.Has anyone else heard of this? Thank you for all your input.    — Lynne K. (posted on December 24, 2004)

December 23, 2004
I can understand why they wouldn't do the thigh lift and the tt at the same time. I had 2 drains with each surgery plus you probably wouldn't be able to get around at all with the incisions. As far as they type of surgeries that you want, you should discuss this with your plastic surgeon. Tell him what your concerns are about your body and then see what he thinks and how it can be fixed (if it can). I have the largest calves and I told my doctor about them and after looking at them he said there wasn't anything he could do for them because they were all muscle!! Since you were a lightweight to begin with, you might be able to get away with lipo alone on several areas if you don't have a lot of excess skin to be removed. You would want to wait to have the surgery until your less then 20 pounds from your goal weight so that you can get the best results. Good luck to you.
   — Patty H.

December 23, 2004
Dear Lynne, Based on your description, it sounds like the best operation for you is called a total lower body lift. This procedure is an excellent foundation to reconstruct the mid and lower body after massive weight loss. The surgery consists of removing the excess skin from the lower abdomen, back and flanks (love handles) as well as pulling up the thighs and buttocks. The scar is circumferential and is usually hidden by a bikini bottom or underwear. It is important for you have you body mass index under 30 prior to the procedure and be in the best cardiovascular as possible. A medial thigh lift/breast work/arms can be done 3-6 months later if needed. A thigh lift is usually not done in conjection with a body lift or tummy tuck due to the higher risk of complications. I hope you find this information useful and happy holidays! Joshua Kreithen, M.D - Lakewood Ranch Plastic Surgery, Bradenton FL -
   — Joshua Kreithen, M.D.

December 23, 2004
I'd wait as long as you can for the PS, especially if you are a self-pay. I had a TT, and fought hard to get it paid for, and knew financially that it was my only shot, so waited to get the optimum result. I was actually below goal for almost 6 months before I did it. I had to wait for the summer vacation so I didn't have to take time from work, and it took several months to get my denials overturned. Anyway, as I am sure you know, it isn't cheap, and you want what's best for you. As the other poster said, ask your surgeon the reasons for separating the surgeries. Mine prefers to keep you under anesthesia as little time as possible. I also have other areas that I'd love to get improved, but as I mentioned, $$$ is the issue. Mt belly was the worst for me, and I had the best shot at getting it covered, so I focused on that. Good luck!!
   — Fixnmyself

December 24, 2004
I don't know what state you are in but you might want to check David and Dana Barr's profile and then go to their picture trail and website. They flew from Kentucky to Gainsville, Florida and both had a whole boat load of stuff done at the same time and recuperated in a nice motel their. They were self-pay and got a great deal and excellant work with a wonderful PS>
   — Delores S.

December 24, 2004
I had the lower body lift and my doc also wants me to wait 6 months for the thigh lift. He cited issues with blood circulation and healing. Also said the thigh lift is the absolutely worst most painful procedure that he does. He said every thing you do hurts, walking, sitting, laying, and that ieven simle things like going to the bathroom are very difficult and painful. With my LBL I also had a lot of muscle tightening so He felt it is all just too much to deal with at one time.
   — **willow**

December 26, 2004
I am having PS on 1-21-05 and was told the thighs and tummy couldn't be done together because the incinions were too close together and the blood supply would be a problem. I was told to wait 6-12 months between surgeries. 280/150/130
   — smmeow

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