Fleur di lis abdominoplasty, triple hernia repair, and brachioplasty

Hiya all =)! Has anyone had a fleur di lis abdominolplasty?? I have heard it referred to as the anchor incision tummy tuck. I will be incised (can't say cut just from length of old open rny scar and then just past each hip. I am also having triple hernia repair and brachioplasty at the same time...8-10 hours of surgery. Saying I'm nervous...seems an understatement. I would just like to find someone out there who has had similar procedures. Thanks!    — DebPKansas (posted on March 27, 2005)

March 27, 2005
I found the following by doing a Google search. The article is written in relation to breast reconstruction and using flaps of skin to rebuild the breast. I'd say it describes an anchor incision procedure. What I do not understand is why your surgeon feels they have to use terms no lay person has ever heard of. Are the just showing off their "smarts". Personally I'd be ticked as to me it would mean that they think they are better or smarter than the rest of us. They should explain in whatever terms each patient will understand. Afterall it's a major surgery. <p>"In these circumstances, a fleur-de-lis skin island can be used, or simply greater amounts of adipose tissue and fascia can be included with the dissection of the standard skin island. The fleur-de-lis pattern consists of an inverted T-shaped island with 7-cm wings that increase the amount of soft tissue available for reconstruction. This pattern can be used to provide volumes up to 400 mL."
   — zoedogcbr

March 27, 2005
Hello I had the Fleur di Lis and it is an anchor cut, I am very pleased with my results, my stomach is so flat, my surgery was Jan 11th, I also had a hernia repair, my surgery was about 4 hours, he removed alot of skin. I still wear my binder because there is still tenderness and a little puffiness, but its to be expected, but my stomach is really flat and tight. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at [email protected] Thanks,
   — danetta1070

March 28, 2005
Hi, Thanks for your replies. My surgeon and his patient educator have been awesome. They have explained everything in detail. I just wanted someone to talk to who has "been there"..."done that". I will shoot you an email full of questions soon, thanks for the offer!!!
   — DebPKansas

March 29, 2005
Hi. Its named after that little French spear-head shape...and taht's not even a good description of the scar. I just call it an anchor because thats what we Texans understand. The vertical part is used to pull skin in from the sides, useful for really massive amounts of upper abdominal rolls. Be patient on the swelling and healing!
   — DrL

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