SURGEON says I need massive lippo to thighs before they perform thigh lift.Anyone ha

Has anyone had this done or been told the same?They will not even consider me until I have massive lippo to thighs.This is where I carried most of my weight.My thighs are abnormally huge and buldge out...Did anyone have this procedure with good outcome......    — Dodistew (posted on April 14, 2005)

April 13, 2005
Yes, I recently had a lower body lift, and the surgeon did lipo, removing 500ccs (approximately 1 pound) of fat from each inner thigh. He said that by doing this, I will have a better result from my medial thighplasty which is scheduled for June.
   — Nannette

April 14, 2005
The reason they do lipo before the thigh lift is that lipo reduces the size of your legs (or whatever body part there doing it on). After about 3 months you will notice that you will probably have more loose skin then you did before they did the lipo. This means when they do the thigh lift, they will be able to remove more excess skin which will ultimately make your legs much smaller then from just doing the thigh lift alone without lipo. I had the same thing done but mine was on my arms, not legs.
   — Patty H.

April 14, 2005
Yes I just had major lipo on my thighs March 18th,,Doctor removed 5 pounds from each thigh.. preparing my thighs for skin removal .. He will get a much better result since he lipoed them in advance.. I hope this helps..If you need to know more,, just email me.. Karen
   — itsmekaren

April 17, 2005
Your doc is wise! In the past, we did lipo and the lift all at once. Turns out this is OK for non-WLS patients but not WLS folks because of the massive amount of stretched skin. It does commit you to 2 surgeries, but staging and touch-ups of surgery in WLS patients just comes with the territory!
   — DrL

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