Are there any insurance companies that will pay for plastics to your arms or thighs?

Also, will they pay for liposuction on those areas before they take off the excess skin? Does anyone know the approximate costs of these procedures?    — Gigglepants10 (posted on April 15, 2005)

April 15, 2005
Sorry, I have no answer for you. I'd like to know, myself. I live in Long Island, NY. Maybe there are some doctors in the city that will. I'm going a doctor there for a consultation on Monday. Maybe I'll know more by then. Good luck, Joyce
   — joisea

April 15, 2005
Usually they do not pay unless it is medically necissary. I have boils and problems under my arms but I am doubting they will pay, keep your fingers crossed. Where I live if you do it in a surgery center the cost for arms is about 5,000 or so, not sure about thighs. If you have to stay in the hospital it is more. Good Luck to you.
   — Saxbyd

April 17, 2005
Hi. If you have skin rashes, infections, or similiar issues, they may consider this medically necessary and approve it. That goes for skin folds anywhere, although the abdomen is most often covered. Out of pocket costs vary, as do facility fees. Plan on some expenses, and get the financial info early so you can plan!
   — DrL

April 17, 2005
Blue Cross is paying for my arm lift next month. I get sores and rashes in the folds of my arms and armpits so they are covering it. They are also paying for my tummy tuck. Everytime I get anykind of sore anywhere I take a picture of it. When the ps submitted my paperwork I gave him about 100 pictures to go with it. It took more than 2 months for them to approve me but they did.
   — tazfan

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