Will I ever be able to drink a diet soda again...without it being flat!

   — Susan F. (posted on February 17, 2000)

February 17, 2000
Yes you will. It just takes time and little sips. I started drinking Crystal Light and actually like that better now.
   — snicklefritz

February 17, 2000
Drink it all the time! I drink Crystal light also and like that also. Diane
   — Diane N.

February 17, 2000
My doctor says all soda wether it be diet or flat or both is a big no no..........he says carbonation swells your stomach and causes it to stretch. He said all his patients who fail or plateau at a high weight are soda drinkers.
   — Jeanne S.

February 17, 2000
I agree - I stopped all carbonated drinks in prep for surgery and I've already noticed I eat less too. I was a very heavy soda drinker, I could drink a 12 pack in a day or 2. Now I'm drinking iced tea and water. I wish I had known this soda problem years ago! LOL
   — Margaret H.

February 17, 2000
I felt like you did Susan--NO DIET SODA?!! I didn't think I could make it but I have not had a soda in almost 5 months and it has not been all that hard. I have had a couple of sips of my husbands and it tastes very strong now. It is all I can do to drink all my water (w/lemon) in a day. I think once you break the addiction, you won't miss it nearly as much. It is hard to break old habits though. I still want to grab a soda for in the car, etc. Good luck to you.
   — Dot W.

February 18, 2000
I am 2 1/2 weeks post-op and I can drink diet soda. However, I am having trouble finding drinks that taste good. I am sure this will pass. Good Luck.
   — Darcy T.

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