when you come home can you eat yogurt flavors or oats?

   — [Anonymous] (posted on March 15, 2000)

March 15, 2000
You need to follow your doctor's instructions. I had an open ryn on 3/6; I can eat any sugar free, low fat or non fat yogurt. I have't had any oatmeal yet - there is nothing in his instructions that would prohibit it. You really want to go for the protein, so (although I always ate oatmeal for breakfast pre-op), I'm choosing eggs for breakfast. Hope this helps. Any flavored yogurt with aspartame should be fine.
   — Toni B.

March 15, 2000
Best thing to do is talk to your surgeon. I was able to eat yogurt without fruit within a week of the operation. I would imagine that oats would be far to difficult to digest so soon after surgery.
   — Elizabeth W.

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