Just fed up at times

Just had to add my two cents in here to the answers to Lynn's question about dumping. I swore that I would not answer anymore questions nor ask them and this just reaffirms my convictions but, I had to at least address some of the harsh answers to her question. Doesn't anyone else see that these negative and not well thought out answers are why people are going to other sites? Some of the answers were so loving and well thought out but I guarantee you, that the negative ones are the ones that will stick in lynn's mind and make her feel worse. Why do people do this? The name of the game here is SUPPORT! This woman already knew that she was doing things wrong..she didn't have to be reminded of that! This is exactly what happened to me too. Gee if we could all only be as perfect as some of the writers and follow our diet regimen as well. If we could have done that....why the heck would we have needed the surgery??? I sure have a problem avoiding sweets and fats...I had the surgery a year ago and still have not solved that problem yet. Maybe I never will, but that is why I chose the BPD/DS. I KNEW that I would cheat. (go ahead and analyze that, all of you who are so good at following the diet perfectly). I would venture to say that many many of us have exactly the same problem as Lynn but don't have the nerve to ask the question exactly because of some of the negative responses we know that we will get. Please folks, don't judge others...just be there for them, help them in their quest like most of you did for me and for Lynn and the rest of you please keep the negativity to a minimum. No one comes here hoping to be put down. Sorry to be standing on my soap box once again, but I just went through this, and I know how hurt Lynn was by a few bad apples but I must say, that 99% of the people here, come with a big heart and are wonderful people. Let's try to make it 100%. Good luck Lynn and I would love to talk to you more if you want to email me. Barb    — Barbara H. (posted on July 2, 2000)

July 2, 2000
Amen, Barb! Well said. This is also the reason I have stopped participating in this site. Couldn't take the negativity! We've all been subject to discrimination and put-downs all of our overweight lives, we don't need more from this site, which was established to provide support. That doesn't mean that we cannot post about or ask about negative experiences. Let's keep the negative personal comments to ourselves, shall we? Passing back the soapbox......
   — Jaye C.

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