Clear and Full Liquids

Can everyone give me some ideas on what Clear and Full Liquids I could eat after surgery. Thanks    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 19, 2000)

August 18, 2000
I was on liquids for 8 weeks, I personally think that is the best for two reasons.. Maximize weight loss and time to let the new anatomy heal and swelling to subside. Here is a link to what I ate the first 8 weeks..<a href="">First 8 weeks</a><br> <p> Visit my profile page for more information, links, & recipes..
   — Victoria B.

August 19, 2000
Clear liquids that I was allowed were broth, chicken or beef. Jello, sugar free, and water. This was for the first two weeks after surgery. Hope that this helps.
   — Sandra V.

August 19, 2000
For the clear liquid period I had jello, popsicles, water, broth, diluted juice. For the full liquid I was allowed clear liquids in addition to skim milk, fudgsicles, Carnation Instant Breakfast, hot cocoa, cream soups, Alba, pudding, soup (pureed and strained), yogurt. All these things had to be sugar-free of course. I was on clear liquids for 6 days (this included the 4 days in the hospital) and on full liquids for 14 days.
   — Kellie L.

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