Why doesn't the profile page date the comments?

If someone adds their profile w/personal comments, it does not date it unless you do it yourself. The comments may have been on there a long time without other posts.    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on August 21, 2000)

August 21, 2000
I agree that it helps the reader to recognize a "time line" when new comments are dated in individual profiles and that's exactly why I do add an "update" date to each of my comments. However, I think that it's an individual preference as well. I know that there have been several times when I've actually gone back and re-read my profile and ended up "editing" a posting from several months ago. If that "edit" would be considered a "new" posting and is "re-dated" it would be very confusing. I would like to suggest that the postings include the individual's age (if he/she is comfortable revealing it) height and pre-op weight as well. But again, what the individual poster chooses to share with the reader is entirely up to him. And that is as it should be.
   — cj T.

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