I really can't tell when I am full.

I have been eating my measured amts and wanting to more is this head hunger or what? Everyone tells me "you will know" well I don't somebody please explain it to me.    — [Anonymous] (posted on November 12, 2000)

November 11, 2000
You did not say what stage you are in. If you are on liquid diet or pureed diet, you may not feel full, I did not. On the soft diet and regular diet you should start to feel full. If you don't just stick with the measured amounts.
   — claire C.

November 11, 2000
I never felt full until I was on regular food. Sometimes, a ways out, there are still days when I have head hunger or more hunger than normal. Likewise, there are some days when I have no hunger. We still need to exercise some degree of self-control -- making proper food selection choices, monitoring our portions or calories. The good news is that it is entirely do-able now where before, it was nearly impossible! If you get really hungry, tell yourself that before you can eat anything else, you will drink 16 oz. of your water (or something similar). And, take a smaller amount out to eat than you "think in your head" that you want. You will probably find that you are then satisfied. Just marvel in how little it takes to satisfy you. And also, protein foods tend to leave you much more satisfied for a longer period of time than any carbs - especially starchy carbs. Best wishes.
   — Cindy H.

November 12, 2000
I am one year post Lap proximal RNY. During the first 2-3 months I could not tell when I was full or really hungry. That gradually returned to normal. I can also say that at first I could eat about 2oz. As time went on I would find I wasn't full after that amount and would add a few bites more. As your pouch heals (if that is the surgery you had) it becomes more pliable. I now eat about 1 cup of food during a meal. I still have to be careful not to eat too fast, because there is a slight delay in my feeling full. If I take that one bite too much, I pay for it.
   — Jilda H.

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