Is there any way you can view any Posts you have made to this site?

I find it very Difficult to come back to this site, and remember where it was I have Posted a response to questions, so I can see if anyone has responded to my Comments, or quiestions. there should be a page in the "My Profile" that we can see all of the Posts we have made to this site, and easily get back to those topics we were interested in.    — sbinkerd1 (posted on August 2, 2001)

August 2, 2001
   — Anne G.

August 2, 2001
I have AOL, so I put the question page in my "favorites" and keep going back to it until I think the question is "dead". Sometimes I have 3 or 4 "questions" in my favorites at one time. Hope this helps!
   — Lisa F.

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