What is a good tasteless Protein Drink?

I have terrible gag reflexes and choke on everything? I need something that has little taste and that the consistancy is pretty good. HELP please. This is the part I feer the most, along with taking the Fleets Phoso soda. YUCK    — Kristy F. (posted on November 19, 2001)

November 19, 2001
I totally agree with you on the protein powder's and it was funny that you compared it to the Fleet's that is the same example I use. I went to and ordered Casec powder after I heard it mentioned on this site. It is completely tasteless - I have even heard some say there pharmacist will order it (mine wouldn't). I sprinkle it on whatever I am eating (cereal, oatmeal, pudding) and I don't even notice it. I was in the same boat as you until I got the Casec powder, now it is a much more pleasant experience. Good Luck!
   — Staci P.

November 19, 2001
I feel for you. My surgery date is 12/6 and I haven't found one I could stomach either. I ordered some Casec powder but haven't received it yet. I sure hope it works, because I can't take anything else without gagging. I even tried the Extreme Pure Pro that everyone kept saying tasted like grape Crystal Light. Now I haven't had Crystal Light in a while, but I'm pretty sure this doesn't taste like it. Good Luck, and please post here again if you find anything else that's good
   — Monica H.

November 19, 2001
Check out Michelle's - she sells samples of all her protein powders and has advice on how to make them taste good. I don't LOVE mine, but I sure like it better than stuff I bought locally. I had half a banana and a pinch of sugar-free Nestle's Quik, whip it up with my stick blender and it's pretty good.
   — scottiemaam O.

November 20, 2001
A friend of mine who recently had surgery said her doctor gave her the name of one called MFG or something like that. It can be gotten at GNC, I think. She says it comes in different flavors and is REALLY tasty.
   — [Anonymous]

November 23, 2001
I hope the best for you in finding one. I spent alot of money trying many out and did settle on Pure Extreme Pro Grape flavored. I only used it for one month as it cost $120. I never used it afterward for two reasons. 1) that was the best one flavor wise, and it still made me want to gag. 2) there was no way I could afford it!!!! I refused to waste anymore money on protein drinks. I'm glad I refused to. For me (probally not for others) they were a waste of good money. My protein levels were tested by a blood test and were at 8.1! My private doctor (not surgeon) told me the protein level is TO HIGH, and TO GET OFF THE PROTEIN DRINKS NOW! I told her I was'nt taking them! So evidently I'm doing something right and the drinks were indeed a waste of money for me. But everyone is different of course. But I'd rather eat than drink protein any day. ;)
   — Danmark

November 25, 2001
I drink ISOPURE Pure Protein, No Carb from GNC. It comes premixed in glass bottles. I like the orange as it has very little taste and isn't super sweet like most of the clear protein drinks. It is $3.50 a bottle and I'm still looking for another but it is what I use now.
   — Elizabeth A.

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