My mom is 1 1/2 out, and needs a book on behavior modification

She has lost the majority of her weight, but she finds that she is now eating more, and falling back into some bad habits. She is eating at night, and not eating what she should be eating. She doesn't have an adverse reaction to sugar either, which doesn't help. Do any of you know of a book on behavior modification that might help her? Or something along those lines? Thanks    — Sarah P. (posted on April 15, 2002)

April 16, 2002
I don't know about books (I'm a psych major, so maybe I should :P), but I would suggest going to a psychologist who uses a cognitive-behavioral approach. There is only so much good "talking about your feelings" can do (although it can do a lot of good). A behaviorist may be better able to help your mom learn new healthy habits and extinguish the old ones. One of my professors often worked with obese people to help them lose weight, and you'd be surprised at some of the things that helped his patients. For instance, one woman just ate all over the place... on the couch, at the table in the car, etc. Maybe you've heard this, but if you get in the habit of eating in front of the TV, the TV can trigger a desire for food (or just a sort of thoughtless hand-to-mouth action, lol). It all has to do with environmental cues for behavior. So his solution was for her to have her force herself to only eat at the dinner table with this little owl figurine she liked. I know that sounds odd, but it's not all witch-craft, lol. So the dinner table and this little owl especially became her cue to eat, as opposed to the TV, the car, etc. He also helped her learn how to throw food away (something that's hard for me too!). There are lots of cleaver things that a skilled behaviorist can do to help us develop better habits because soemtimes we can't make the connections with the environment and our behavior that they can. Good luck to your mom!
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 16, 2002
Hi, I just finished reading This is not brain surgery. It was all about how to change your mind set after gastric bypass surgery... hence the title, stomach surgery, not brain surgery:) The author is a psychologist and has had the open gastric bypass surgery. I thought the book was only ok... it was expensive for its size. I think I paid around 23 on amazon. Couldn't find it anywhere else. I would be happy to send her my copy if you would like... I am all done with it anyways. Feel free to email me [email protected]. Thanks and good luck to your mom:)
   — Tracey L.

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