If I decide to have an open RNY done can my bladder be repaired at the same time?

   — Kathryn B. (posted on August 4, 2002)

August 4, 2002
Yes. One of the doctors in Memphis takes out everyone's gall baldder when he does the surgery. It is routine with him. Good Luck.
   — Pam G.

August 4, 2002
yes kathryn, it can be repaired if your Doctor decides to do it, I am having WLS on August 12, and they are also going to remove my Gallbladder and my Left Kidney at the same time. Ask your Doctor lots of questions, it will help you feel better about it. Good luck.
   — tanya G.

August 4, 2002
Hi. Are you talking about your gallbladder or your urinary bladder? If urinary, you should probably see a urologist and be sure to have him/her work closely with your WLS surgeon. You probably would have to negotiate the repair of the bladder with the surgeon AND with the insurance company. ASK YOUR SURGEON-PLEASE! Good luck!
   — Rebecca T.

August 4, 2002
having had a bladder repair surgery a few years back, my personal advice would be "no way!" Not for me, anyway. That bladder repair was one of the hardest surgeries I have ever had to recover from...pain, spasms, went home with a catheter for two weeks! Youch. It was a full time job in itself to worry about monitering the cath bag, walking bent over, sitting, pain meds, infection. Add the full-time job of recovering from an RNY would have been overwhelming. That was my experiance with bladder repair, Whew, it was tough! Good Luck to you.
   — Sandra E.

August 5, 2002
Kathryn, If you are referring to having a fallen bladder tacked up, you will definitely have to see a urologist first if you haven't already. (I assume you have). Chances are the bariatric surgeon will prefer that the urologist do that procedure. Another thing may be that since the bladder is located so far down that you may need a separate incision. I prefer to think that the bladder is usually done lap. This may be difficult to combine the surgeries, but I would ask the experts. Best of luck to you.
   — Tina B.

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