Salsa and spices . . . I love a little kick . . . will this hurt me?

I love salsa and last night I added Mrs. Dash Hot and Spicy to my cottage cheese and relized it had little pieces of hot pepper in it. As I was eating I wondered if it would hurt my new tummy. I am 4 weeks post-op and afraid to introduce too much right now but was wondering if post-ops later on can have that little kick that I love so much, or will it give me an ulcer or something.    — Diane S. (posted on December 2, 2003)

December 1, 2003
Denise, gee I am not sure about such spice this early on. I think you might want to hold off for another few months... I am eating those kinds of things now and am just over 7 mos. out. I really am afraid you might damage yourself or start an ulcer this early on... gail -104
   — Bama Beach Girl

December 1, 2003
Usually your pouch will let you know fairly quickly how it will handle spicy food, but since your so new as a post-op you might want to wait a little longer before adding the spice to your diet. Good luck on this new journey in your life. Debra
   — Debra J.

December 1, 2003
I ate Wendy's chili at 3-4 weeks out with no problem. I would however, do spicy foods from time to time at this point til things heal, and not on a regular basis. Now, at 9+ months out, I can eat just about anything/everything, regardless of spice.
   — Fixnmyself

December 1, 2003
My first 'real' pureed food was 1-1/2T. fat free refried beans, a little bit of cheese and one packet of the Taco Bell HOT sauce. I don't think I could have been more than 4 weeks when I started eating it for breakfast ever day..... it was the best tasting thing I had had in weeks. As far as ulcers....I've recently played that game and my surgeon told me that 95% of all ulcers are bacterial....and even with the ulcer I was only told to lay off of the spicy food for a few weeks.
   — eaamc

December 1, 2003
If it bothers you then WAIT and try later. I did that with raw garlic, early on it was one of the few foods I vomited, a month later no problem. Just keep it in moderation and respect if your pouch says no.
   — bob-haller

December 1, 2003
My doctor said when you start on solid foods you can add spices to whatever you want. If you have problems with it at first then wait a few weeks before you try it again. I have been eating salsa every once in a while since about a month out.
   — tazfan

December 2, 2003
My dietitian had no problem with spices early on. I craved Mexican food for the first two months that I could eat real food, and had plenty of salsa, spices, and homemade hot sauce. It tasted great, and didn't do me any harm. I still like my food spicier than I used to.
   — Vespa R.

December 2, 2003
When I was in the pureed phase, I could not tolerate pureed vegetables, so I drank V-8 juice, but I always added some tobassco sauce to liven it up. Never had a problem with it!
   — koogy

December 2, 2003
I am 3 weeks post-op and I am a HOT and SPICEY girl myself! I called my nutrionist yesterday to ask her if I could partake in my chili (made with several hot peppers!) and she said it was fact the spices are good for "unblocking" your system (ie pooing). If the hot peppers didn't hurt you (and if they did, you'd know it by now!) I'd say, go ahead and try some more. Just start small and work you're way up to the temperature you love!
   — Renee B.

December 2, 2003
I did spices pretty early and had no problems. However I was cautioned to be careful with anything that promoted acid (like the tomatoes in salsa) until I was 6-8 weeks out. Don't want to do anything to your tummy until it can handle it.
   — Cathy S.

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