Where do I find credible documentation for insurance company?

I am wondering if anyone knows of a good place to look on the internet for proof that: 1) Morbid obesity is a medical condition or disease. 2) Diet and exercise have a 95-98% failure rate in the morbidly obese. 3) Morbid obesity is currently the #2 killer in the U.S. 4) Curing morbid obesity, with weight loss surgery, will lower costs for insurance companies. 5) Any other helpful information to present to my insurance carrier for their re-evaluation of their policy for the treatment of obesity. I need this kind of documentation to convince my insurance that they should treat obesity just like they would cancer. Proof that choosing to treat one disease over another is discrimination.    — K C. (posted on February 6, 2004)

February 6, 2004
You can search the NIH database. National Institute of Health. I did that once but I can't recall the exact address. I'm sure they would have an index. I know the ins. company cited it as one of the things they based their decision on. Even tho they went totally against what NIH was saying. Go figure!
   — jaetex

February 18, 2004
Rona Scott has written an invaluable piece on the bnfts of having WLS and the costs of being obese compared to someone of normal weight ect... This is very well documented and lists the references of where she got her info. When I typed this up it was over 6 pages long. This is listed in the library. I really think it was very helpful in getting my surgery approved. I am 3 wks out from open RNY. Hope this helps!!!
   — bufordslipstick

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