Are the excess skin add the weight?

I have lost over 120 lbs since March 2003.. I now weight 148 lbs.. I wonder that I should be weight 138lbs now instead of 148 lbs because of the excess skin add the weight? I assumed that ten lbs of my excess skin are loose so I assumed that I should weight 138 lbs ... Please answer me and I want to know what do you think??    — danette (posted on August 27, 2004)

August 27, 2004
I just had a consult with a plastic surgeon last week, and was hoping the same thing, that I had about 10 lbs of excess skin. However, he said that because I have just skin and no adipose tissue that it probably would only weigh 1-2lbs. I told him I keep hearing of people getting 10-20lbs of skin removed, he said it just depends on how much fat is left on the skin... So it varies....hope that helps!
   — Sungurl B.

August 27, 2004
Hello I wish it did work like that but it dont I dont know why I now my dr told me just because your weight is like 140 and if you have 10pds of skin removed dont think your weight willbe 130 I know b-4 I had TT my weight was 136 the day I got home my weight was 136 I had my TT o the 6th of this mth and now my weight is any were between 128 and 130 Take Care Huggs beth
   — wildbrat

August 27, 2004
I heard a plastic surgeon say that people often greatly overestimate the amount of skin that gets removed in a tummy tuck. That said, it varies greatly by person. On this site, I've heard people say their surgeon removed anywhere from 2 to 25 pounds. I had 15 pounds removed (and, six weeks post op, I weigh 15 1/2 pounds less than the day before surgery, with more swelling to get rid of).
   — Vespa R.

August 27, 2004
I just had an appointment with my plastic surgeon and he said that most people have 5-7lbs removed. That people think it is a lot more. I am still hoping for more. A lot of surgeons do lipo to help with the look of the TT so it could add to the weight loss. I guess it all depends on the Dr's technique wouldn't you think?! good luck!
   — shellyi

August 27, 2004
I am almost 2 weeks post-op from my TT.I was 132.5 before it, and he (Dr) figured I would lose 2-3 pounds from the procedure. I am now about 5 pounds less than pre-op, somewhere around 127.5. I am not sure if all of it is skin, because since surgery I have had a much smaller appetite. I didn't figure I'd lose weight from this except for the weight of the skin that was removed. I am fine with my weight the way it is. I truly never thought I'd ever get to this point!
   — Fixnmyself

August 28, 2004
Hi, I went from 305 to 193 before my PS. I am now 173, I lost 20lbs with my LBL.
   — heathercross

August 29, 2004
Why are we concerned about how much this extra skin weighs. We are so caught up on numbers we can drive ourselves crazy! I would say to all of us that look at this surgery as a blessing to get rid of this excess skin. The bypass surgery has given us the chance to become healthy and eat correctly. The PS will give us a chance to feel more confortable with our new bodies. I have just been approved for a butt and thigh lift (due to having problems with sitting and rashes). As the doctor stated "Remember your not goint to have legs likea 16 yr old but they will look better. If he removes 2 lbs or 50 lbs I don't care.
   — Linda R.

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