With a proximal RNY are you required to have monthly B12 shots for the rest of your

life or are there any in tablets without the neccesity of monthly shots.    — bim O. (posted on October 14, 1999)

October 13, 1999
It depends on how well your body absorbs the B-12, the shots are more effective because they aren't bypassed by your surgery. Some people don't come up deficient in the B-12 ... I didn't until 4 years post op, now I take B-12 shots once a month. Your own doc will be able to answer this best when he checks your blood work as scheduled.
   — Sherrie G.

October 13, 1999
I have my patients take the typical 'multiviamins with minerals' which contains 6mcg /day of vit b12. I check their blood levels of b12 every year and have only had one patient who has a b12 level which was low, but still in the normal range. I placed her on a daily b12 tablet and will recheck her levels in a few months. The other patients have all had clearly normal vit b12 levels
   — Bruce B.

October 14, 1999
I take 1000 mcg of B-12 daily in the morning, and it seems to work just fine! Good luck!
   — Angel G.

October 14, 1999
There are B12 sublingual pills. Tiny little pills that dissolve under your tongue, so they are absorbed completely. Some use a prescription nasal spray. Some of us never take B12. Labs don't indicate.
   — vitalady

October 14, 1999
I would suggest taking B-12 in what ever form your doctor recommends. I will take the shots monthly after my surgery on 10/25. My doctor does not feel that oral B-12 is absorbed as well. It can be given subcutaneously. I figure if a diabetic can give themselves insulin subcutaneously several times a day I can probably handle B-12 once a month. ~:o)
   — Lisa O.

October 14, 1999
I had a proximal RNY and the only thing I take regularly in the way of vitamins is a good multi-vitamin/mineral tablet daily.
   — dboat

October 18, 1999
Hi, Bim, I'm late in answering the questions that are close to home for me. My doctor, Dr. Merlin Otteman, Fort Collins, Co said that I could take either the B-12 shot once a month or dissolve a B-12 dot underneath my tongue once a day. I've chosen the dot and just had my blood work up done last week and everything was great, including my B-12 levels. Most health stores carry these dots but I go to the Outlet Mall in Loveland, Co to Vitamin World and get mine. They are $5.50 for a 100. GNC was $15.00 for 60. Also, in answer to your question about drinking with meals. I drink with my meals most of the time unless the meals are very wet as in soup. I try to drink milk with meals as then I'm at least getting protein. My doctor's nurse said this was okay as long as you take sips and don't just fill up on fluids. I find that drinking after taking a bite makes my stomach cramp up so I drink sparingly. Hope this helps you. Good luck. Thinking of you, Linda
   — Linda P.

November 27, 1999 dr. gives me a b 12 shot every two months. I really feel they make a diffrence....barb
   — clarkbar

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