
   — Denise T. (posted on January 20, 2000)

January 20, 2000
Dear Denise, I too find the email overwhelming at times, but most of it has been helpful. You are recieving the Obesity Questions in your email because, when you set up your profile you set it up to do so. If you go to your profile and change it, at this can make the necessary changes. First you will have to login and then go ALL the way down to the bottom where it says UPDATES VIA EMAIL...make sure they are all marked NO! Then hit UPDATE MY FILE. That should stop the emails. I hope this helps you. This is a GREAT site with alot of wonderful people who can help you if needed. So I hope the overwhelming email has not discouraged you from using the website.
   — ginariso

January 20, 2000
You're a sweet person Ava Lee, you tried to salvage the situation with Denise, but for the life of me, I guess I must have missed something some where because there is not one explanation as to why she felt this site (sux) as she so stated.. But if she can't read the simplest of instructions on how to unsubscribe then, my guess was she never would get what this site was all about anyway....... "Friends Helping Friends" helping hands to those in need. If we failed Denise in someway..I'm sorry, for every one we fail.. I'm sure there is a hundred we helped...
   — Victoria B.

January 21, 2000
Vicki... well stated.. ditto
   — California J.

January 21, 2000
Denise-no one can 'unsubscribe' you from the questions posting board. I didn't want you to think your request was being ignored-the person who 'unsubscribes' probably never saw it. You will have to read and follow the instructions on the site. good luck
   — Toni B.

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