I think I experienced dumping this evening, but I'm not sure.

I think I had my first encounter with the food-cop this evening but I'm not sure. I am three days post op from a Lap RNY and I decided that I needed to get out of the house for a while. My husband and I went to Denny's so that he could eat and we could have some conversation. I felt absolutely fine until about 5 minutes after I took a sip of the apple juice that I ordered. First, I got hot, then quickly broke out into a cold sweat. I excused myself and went outside for fresh air. I started sweating more profusely, felt like vomiting very badly, and became kind of disoriented and weak. I made it to the car (barely), where I put a cold, wet napkin on my face and took some small sips of water. My husband took me home right away. I stripped down, got into bed with the fan on full blast and then woke up around three hours later feeling much better. Why did this happen? Was there sugar in my apple juice? Did I eat too much today? There doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day for me to consume the required quantity of protein drink. Even when I force myself to drink it, I feel like I don't want it and that I can't stomach it. All I want is clear liquids and popsicles. I guess this is two questions in one; did I experience dumping and how do I manage to drink so much protein supplement? Thanks.    — Allison B. (posted on May 27, 2001)

August 28, 2003
I had the same hot cold yucky feeling for the first 4 days HOME. Hot/cold/sweaty/nauseated. I attibuted it to early recovery. It would happen after I did a little too much activity. I think being obese and having very low metabolic input (food) makes it happen. Two sips of apple juice would not do that. I think though Denny's would have sugary apple juice. I am 8 days post-op and still have not gone out. Hope you stay feeling better. cja
   — Connie R.

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