7 Days Post-Op--Feedback on severe pain

Last night was my first night home from the hospital. My surgery was Lap RNY, seven days ago. Last night after dinner, I developed the most severe pain in what I guess is the new pouch. I didn't get sweaty or feel faint; it was just the most severe stomach pain I'd ever experienced in my life. It was as though I'd keep eating and eating beyond being full (I had stopped eating before being full, in fact), and was more stuffed than I'd ever imagined. The pain continued for eight hours. I was in tears...nothing I did seemed to help. It would calm down a little and then would begin to ebb again in severe contractions. I didn't throw up, but the feeling was that if I could have, I'd have felt better. This went on, hour after hour. I'd have gone back to the hospital but honestly felt too sick to travel. Finally, the pain eased off enough at about five this morning for me to get a few hours rest. When I woke up, my stomach still feels sore and tender. Any ideas? Thanks so much!    — CaseyinLA (posted on July 7, 2001)

July 7, 2001
What did "dinner" consist of at such an early time post op? It should have been broth or something.. Definitely call the doctor, because you shouldn't be having pain that severe. Something may be wrong like a missed leak or a kink. Most of us have gas pains, etc. at a week out, but not enough to bring tears. Keep us informed and we'll be praying for good results.
   — Amy K.

July 7, 2001
You didn't say what you were eating . At 7 days postop I was still taking broth and clear liquids. But of course everyone is different each Dr. perscribes differently. I would say it sounds like you either had something stuck or your pouch was overstuffed. And depending on what you ate that could have happened if you ate something that swelled in your pouch. Bread, pasta , rice are notorious for doing that. Maybe you didn't chew well enough. If the pain persists call the doctor , otherwide, I'd stay on liquids today and give the pouch a rest. I hope this is helpful to you. Good luck.
   — Rose A.

July 9, 2001
Forgive me for not giving more information. I'm on "full liquids." I have not had the problem since, and think I might know what happened: I ate pea soup because I'd had it four times in the hospital and tolerated it well. However, this pea soup was less "strained" than the version I received at Cedars-Sinai. Lesson learned! We now use the Braun Hand Blender on *all* soups whose consistency is about that of broth.
   — CaseyinLA

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