Anyone Post-op get nauseated from water now??

Ever since I hade surgery back in April 2002 water makes me terribly sick to my stomach. It was really bad for the first few months, but now it still makes me sick now. Anyone else having this problem?? Just curious.    — bevewy (posted on January 18, 2003)

January 18, 2003
Wow, glad to know I'm not alone! I used to drink tons of water pre-op, and now it makes me gag. My surgeon said he thinks it has to do with the isotonic properties of the water. He suggested drinking crystal light, or decaf tea instead. That way I stay hydrated, and I don't feel ill from drinking them. He thinks it may pass in time, but then again, maybe not! Good luck to you and hope this helps!
   — teresa H.

January 18, 2003
It has been happening to me ever since my surgery. I still try and get at least 25 ounces of water in, the rest of my liquid is crystal light, tea, or sugar free Kool Aid.
   — Linda 1.

January 18, 2003
How does water TASTE? Is there any nausea after eating? Back pain? Does the water hurt, kinda feel like sandpaper going down? Or just sit there?
   — vitalady

January 19, 2003
Is the water you're drinking very cold? Very cold liquids can irritate the pouch. Maybe switching to lukewarm or room temp water may help. I would also check with the doc, just to rule out a stricture. Good luck!
   — Patricia E.

January 19, 2003
I am a few days shy of my 1 year mark, and I still have this problem. I get sick to my stomach and very crampy. It happens first thing in the morning when I gulp too much water, or if the liquid is too hot or too cold. I just don't use as much ice any more. :)
   — Paula Prichard

January 19, 2003
I a rather new post-op (5 weeks), but I have noticed that room-temp and warm water bothers me (apologies to the previous poster) - my water <b>MUST</b> be <b>ICE</b> cold or I can't drink it
   — Toni C.

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