Has anyone had severe backaches after a panniculectomy?

I am 10 days post-op anchor incision panniculectomy. 11-1/2 poinds removed. I am up and about and feeling great. Walking fine but maybe a little forward as things are still very tight. I am having severe upper backaches after standing or walking for more than 10 mins. Is this normal? Will it go away? I could stand/walk for 10-12 hours panni pre-op with no back aches.    — Janet S. (posted on November 28, 2003)

November 28, 2003
Im not sure 'when' mine started. and I dont know 'your body' but I started to have neck, shoulder aches. The PS said it was because I was 'now' uneven (i.e. Top Heavy) I need a breast reduction. This could be your problem...
   — star .

November 28, 2003
I haven't had a panniculectomy yet, but I would think your back hurts because you are trying to compensate for the tightness and because you are leaning forward a bit. That's just my opinion. Teresa
   — MedTrans

November 28, 2003
My doc said due to the tighness and fear of pain, so we lean forward and not realize it so that will cause back pain. I had that same problem.
   — Shavonne P.

November 28, 2003
I am post-panni 5 weeks and still having some backaches when standing/walking for more than 20-30 minutes. It was much worse the first 2-3 weeks but is getting better each day. I still have the tightness and pulling but that too is improving. My plastic surgeon said as much as 3-4 months before everything settles into place. I am doing some gentle back stretches per my md to help ease the back aches-- it helps quite a bit. Good luck and feel better soon.
   — dorothy S.

November 29, 2003
hi i had open rny and i had the worse upper back acke i thought i would just die i had to sleep in a recliner for a while i could not get comfertable in the hosiptal i thought maybe they dropped me in surgery but it finally goes away good luck rosemary

December 1, 2003
Hi After abdominoplasty with muscle tightening or panniculectomy, a lot changes in your trunk muscles and balance of your back muscles. Postop pain causes muscle tightening and spasm, which can cause a backache. If a lot of skin was removed, your body must rebalance itself. Sleeping in the "lawnchair" position with hips and knees bent a bit really helps. Your doc may also try a muscle relaxant short term to break any spasm. I have a registered therapist provide all of my patients with a gentle lymphatic massage 2-3 weeks after surgery to help with swelling, and later do deeper tissue massage to ease muscle tightness. Overall, this is a normal part of recovery but it can be helped by some simple maneuvers.
   — DrL

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