My Husband don't think anything will change after WLS.......

He thinks that nothing will change. Has WLS effected your lives for the good or the bad, I would like to know. thanks.    — Ruth S. (posted on October 24, 2001)

October 23, 2001
There comes a time in our lives when we realize that certain things have to be done for us. If you are deciding to have this surgery FOR your husband, then by all means, listen to his opinions. If you are doing this surgery for YOU, then ask him to be as supportive as he can. My surgery is scheduled for November 8th. I'm hoping that my life will change...for the better....for me.....being able to talk long walks with my husband, going to Broadway shows with my husband and not waking up the next day with black and blue hips because I was squeezed into the seat. To be able to take trips and fly with my husband, without having to ask for a seatbelt extender. Yes, I am sure my life will change....but it can only get better.
   — Dianne K.

October 24, 2001
Wls surgery can change your life for the better. Some relationships are strengthened; but, in my case the confidence and boost in self-esteem that wls gave me allowed me to see that I wasn't really happy and satisfied in my relationship. When I was MO, I clung to my boyfriend because I didn't think anyone else would want me. I "settled". After having wls and losing 110lbs., even at a size 18, men noticed me. Terrific guys. I realized that I didn't have to "settle" for an unfulling relationship with a man who took me for granted. Also, I find that I'm a much happier person now that I'm smaller. I don't worry about being the biggest person in the room anymore. I more assertive at work. I'm friendlier and I don't see insults where they don't exist. Everyone talks about the benefits of wls and I've had those; but, the biggest benefits were definitely in my personal life.
   — [Anonymous]

October 24, 2001
Yes, your life will change. If there was love before WLS, your life with your mate will only improve. My husband married me at 300+ pounds, so I know he truly loves me, and unlike many others, he could see beyond the blubber into my heart. He has been supportive from day one. He did get a little nervous the day of the surgery. He is happy with my new look, and showers me with compliments. You will become a much happier person, and those around you will benefit from the new you.
   — Tammy W.

October 24, 2001
Nothing will change, eh? Is that what he WANTS to believe? Has he done his own research on this?? My relationship has gotten SOOO much better. Most of our "marital" issues have been resolved and things are doing really well.
   — careywatkins

October 24, 2001
Hi Ruth, WLS can improve your life like you've never seen, in my opinion. I used to get up hating myself and everyone around me. I had a sh*tty attitude. Now I look forward to getting up, I actually look forward to exercising. My family is looking to get me checked for mental illness about the exercise thing haha Just kidding. But I feel that yes my life is much better even though I still have a ways to go. I have lost some friends due to my surgery. I was the fat girl, the ones my friend's husbands were NOT attracted to, the girl that it was safe to go out with, because I wasn't a bad influence, I didn't attract men. Now I'm the worst influence haha, not really, but so many seem to think so now. I say, after rambling here, DO IT FOR YOU!! Even though your married, YOU have to be happy with YOU! You have to love yourself first, before you can love anyone else, and make others happy. WLS cannot fix problems in your marriage, you need counseling for that. But it can fix your physical and mental well being, which can make relationships easier. Best of luck to you!
   — Carey N.

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