Has anyone ever have or know if it's possible to combine a breast reduction, tummy

tuck and thigh lift in one procedure?    — Sheryl B. (posted on May 23, 2002)

May 23, 2002
Hi Sheryl. I know you can combine a tummy tuck with the breast surgery but am unsure about the thigh lift also. I've heard of people having a lower body lift where they do the tummy tuck and thighs, buttocks at the same time but I've not heard of anyone combining that surgery at the same time as a breast reduction or lift. Good luck in your search.
   — Shelly S.

May 23, 2002
Hi Sheryl. YES, you can have tummy tuck and breast augmentation at the same time, along with a little lipo. How do I know? I had it done. Backwards, yes! I have not yet had my WLS, still waiting on insurance. I had the breast reduction and tummy tuck done after four children (all C-section) in five year. The surgery was about four hours or so, not too bad. The worst part was the binder, but from what I understand, you had to go through that with WLS, so that's nothing new. Good luck in your search for a good plastic surgeon. Don't feel too shy about asking for a list of patient advocates. Ask them about their experience, AND about their scars. A good plastic surgeon can make them nearly invisible! Good luck! :)
   — Brenda W.

May 24, 2002
Hi, I asked a friend who is a plastic surgeon this question, he said that you can have both done at once, but it's really, really rough on the person. He said that he has done it before, but he doesnt recommend it. He also said he knows that cost is an issue and at his office they do one procedure, let you recover some and then do the next a few weeks or months later and give a financial discount on the second one. Anyway just thought I would let you know what he says.
   — Cory F.

September 2, 2002
Sheryl, I too wanted to have it all done at the same time, to get it all over with. My doctor does not recommend having the breast done at the same time (too much pain, too hard on the body, too hard on recovery). I just had a Hernia Repair and a Total Body Lift (Abdominalplasty, Buttock Lift, Outer Thigh Lift), this is a painful proceedure in itself, as you are cut completely around your body. I have a very high pain threshold and I can say that I am really glad that I am waiting to have the breasts done. He said it would take a good 3-6 months to fully recover from the body lift. I can certainly believe it. I will have my Breast Reduction/Lift done in about 6 months. I hope this helps with your decision. Good luck to you
   — debbieoard

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