For those who've had a tummy tuck.....

Hi there....I know now from the looks of my stomache, that I'm going to need a tummy tuck .....I know that in alot of cases, a new belly button has to be created......but can/will the surgeon do that when I have a long scar from an open RNY ?? Have any of you had a new belly button mad over top of your scar? Do you have pictures that I can look at? THANX A BUNCH! :)    — Jennifer M. (posted on July 26, 2002)

July 26, 2002
Before my panniculectomy in November, my plastic surgeon asked me if I "wanted" a bellybutton or not. I thought that was the strangest question in the world, but he stated that some patients truly don't have a preference and that it was a "choice" for me. After thinking about it, I decided that I was kind of used to the idea of one being there, so I opted to have one. Some surgeons simply cut "around" the existing bellybutton, do the TT, and then replace the old bellybutton in the appropriate place on the "new" tummy. Since I had had 2 previous C-sections and an abdominal hysterectomy....all with long, vertical plastic surgeon just "cut out" that old scar tissue and made me a brand-new bellybutton....a cute little "outie" that I actually like a whole lot better than the original :-) The surgeon won't do anything "on top of" your old scar, he will simply remove that tissue altogether...I guess the decision about a bellybutton will be up to you!
   — Diana T.

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