What is wrong???

I am 4 weeks post op (open RNY), and I have lost 48 pounds, I feel wonderful, but after my last consult, from my surgeon's office, just last week, they told me I should eat almost all regular foods, and that I should eat until I feel the sense of fullness, before I got put on the regular diet, I was eating exactly 1/2 a cup of food, per meal, I was told that since my pouch is a bit bigger, beause I'm a guy, that I may take between 1 cup to 2 cups to feel full, but this is really scary, I could eat up to 2 cups (which is a lot!!) I carefully make it 1 1/2 cups of food, but everyone in my family sees it as overeating and when I see that plate I feel the same way, it does not look like this amount is something someone out of WLS should be eating, I do feel the sense of fullness after eating that amount( who wouldn't??), and I was told that if I eat too much, I would know, because I'd either feel sick or throw up. This has never happened. The biggest problem is since I got on the regular diet, I have stopped losing weight! I called the Dr's office again, and they told me this is normal, that I should weigh myself weekly, well It has been a week and 2 days and I haven't lost a single pound! I don't know what it is that I'm doing wrong! If anyone could help, I would greatly appreciate it.    — gjmiro (posted on August 30, 2002)

August 30, 2002
I am 6 weeks post-op and I'm still supposed to limit my 6 small meals to between 2-4 Tbsp (1-2 oz) per meal according to my nutritionist. That's about 1/4 cup max. And you're taking in 1 1/2 cups of food? Frankly, I would cut back on the amount of food that you are eating - I think it's too much.
   — John Rushton

August 30, 2002
What kind of foods are you eating? This can make a big difference in how much you are able to eat. Are you satisfied with just a half cup of food? If so, then eat just half a cup. I can eat a whole bag of microwave popcorn but just a small bit of chicken or steak. I can eat a whole bowl of dried cereal but only one egg. And you have to realize you will have weeks where the weight goes nowhere, but the inches may go away. Have you heard of the cottage cheese test? This would be good for you to do to see how large your pouch is. I was an odd one. I did not have a stop in hunger after surgry so I ate (and still do) until satisfied, not what the doctor told me to eat. Every one is different and without the cottage cheese test you have no idea how much your pouch can hold. But you did say you did not feel full when eating the cup and a half. If it is high protein you should feel full. Guess I am not of much help LisaMarie
   — Lisa Marie D.

August 30, 2002
Ok, now I maybe taking this entirely wrong but "WHAT THE HECK SIZE DID YOUR DR. MAKE YOUR POUCH?" My Dr makes his on the smaller end of the spectrum, at one ounce, but let me tell you, one ounce of tuna salad or chicken salad, and I get a tightness in my chest that just screams "stop eating". I'm just over 3 weeks out. Whatever is going on, really doesn't seem fair to you, I suggest you ask your Dr. what size he originally left your pouch, and what sorts of foods are supposed to fill you up. That way you know if they don't that somethings wrong. I'm so sorry to hear you're having difficulties, and hope for a quick and speedy answer to your questions.
   — Heather K.

August 30, 2002
hi there i had open rny on feb 8 02 started at 370 now down to 237 or less not sure didnt weigh this week. my surgeon used to make his pouches 1 oz but he noticed patients were way too sickly yes they got the weight off but were sick everytime they ate. so he know makes it aprox 2 or 3 oz. ive never been sick and my weight loss in my opinion has been very good. i am able to eat about half cup of food per meal but it really depends on the food. trust me youll know if youve over done it cuz it will HURT i used to measure everything and doc told me i was being too scientific and to just keep it to small portions and to rely on the full feeling thing. i still from time to time measure just to be sure. and usually the amount ive prepared is a half cup. the only 2 foods id say i can eat more of would be popcorn or watermelon as they both melt down to nothing by the time it reaches the tummy.theres alot of debate about small pouch versus slightly bigger pouch and some doctors feel its not in the size of the pouch but how you use it. they say after the pouch is totally healed its usually anywhere from 6 oz all the way up to 10 oz. they did a study and the size of the pouch had no bearing on the persons weight loss. i dont know if i buy into this 100 percent but id like to think its true as i know my pouch is bigger than 1 oz i got that info on some link that was a pouch rules for dummies site i found it to be very interesting and informative. they did say that anyone eating more than 1 and a half cup meals is sure to gain weight. i wish i knew the link by heart to tell ya how to get there. email me if youd like and ill give you the link to get there i have it saved to favorites on my puter best of luck to you :)
   — carrie M.

September 4, 2002
Hi guys!, I'm the original poster here, thank you for all of your answers, they are helping a lot!, I have lost about three pounds since my post (08/30), so I guess it's ok, I did cut down on amounts though, I just wanted to add a little bit to my original question: I am now 6 weeks post op, I eat everything, rice, beans, beef, chicken, spaghetti, ham, cheese, baked potatoes,the only thing I haven't been able to eat much is bread, it seems to get stuck (sometimes, there's been other times where I could), I did something terrible today though, I had a junior cheeseburger from Wendy's today, bun and all, I took extremely small bites and ate it all! plus 2 nuggets, I don't know what the hell's wrong with me, what's even scarier, I felt great, felt the sense of fullness, and nothing happened!!! I surely am getting my protein (duh!) ,but still I don't know if this is a normal thing to happen (for me to be able to hold down this much food without feeling sick) I'm having my first appt with the surgeon the day after tomorrow, I'll ask him about it, this is freaking me out! anyone going through the same thing or someone that has, please let me know!! thanks!!!
   — gjmiro

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