I'm curious. I see a lot of questions posted about whether someone has

just dumped or not, but I know I never have. But, I have not eaten anything with sugar in it (I see people having a cookie, candy and Halloween, etc.) and I'm wondering ... and this is probably a stupid question ... but this isn't one of those use it or lose it things is it? I mean, if I haven't dumped because I haven't eaten foods that would make me dump, I won't lose the ability to dump if I ever do eat one of those foods, will I? Does my question make sense? :)    — KelBurt (posted on November 14, 2002)

November 14, 2002
I don't have an answer to your question, but I am the same way, I want to try different things and I'm more afraid I won't dump on them (then if I will dump!!) that probably doesn't make any sense huh..oh well let me know if you find out an answer to your question..
   — bikerchic

November 14, 2002
Interesting question. Though whether you dump or not has nothing to do with whether you have EVER tried sugar or high fat foods. Some people just never dump, others dump on just a few tiny grams of sugar, some dump early post-op, then get past it. Everyone is different. You just have to test it to see if you dump. But you don't have to. Ifyou are one of those strong willed people that can avoid sugar and high fat, then you will never know, will you?
   — Cindy R.

November 14, 2002
Avoiding dumping now will not mean that you will lose the ability to dump in the future. I think the opposite is true since when you push the envelope with the sugar thing you can build up some resistance. Watch out if you do give sugar a try though! My first experiance was with ONE small chocolate covered marachino cherry from Cracker Barrel, and I wanted to just DIE.
   — mom2jtx3

November 14, 2002
You probably won't lose your ability to dump. I, too, have avoided all sugar, but have dumped once on chicken! So, you don't just necessarily dump on sugar or high fat things. Distal RNY 6/01 lost 227#.
   — hayesvj

November 14, 2002
I dump on fruit. I have never tried anything over 11g of sugar.
   — TP

November 14, 2002
Jeanne, I'm not sure what happened after eating the chicken, but it wasn't what is considered true dumping. True dumping is from sugar being DUMPED (hence the name) into the intestines without the benefit of being digested in the stomach. It plays havic with the insulin and gives you a hypoglosemic feeling.
   — livnliter

November 14, 2002
You can dump on high fat, sugar, or if you drink while you eat. Cause the drink will force the food out of the pouch and into the intestine too fast. However, some people just dont dump. I can actually eat fat, sugar and drink while I eat but only in small amts. I can eat two teaspoons of ice cream, but any more than that I get a strong belly ache. I can eat two pcs of bacon, but any more than that I dump with sweats, chest pain, and sometimes vomiting. Its wierd and everyone's diff.
   — Karla K.

November 14, 2002
I've never dumped either. I suspect that staying away from sugars won't make you lose the ability to dump. If anything, I think it's the opposite. I read about one girl who kept drinking regular sodas, and she thought that continual sugar played a part in her body losing the ability to dump. If you think about it, our bodies are pretty resilient and adaptable. I think they'd be more likely to adapt and overcome dumping if continually given sugar, than they would be not to dump if they never had sugar. Did that make any sense?
   — sandsonik

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