My insurance says they will not cover plastic surgery as a result of WLS but....

in my present condition (pre-op) I am sure I would qualify for a TT because of all the infections and rashes I get NOW. So, my question is will my insurance most likey pay for a TT after my WLS because I qualify for a TT NOW and I will also qualify after WLS. As a side note I would like to have my tubes tied at the same time as my TT. Any wisdom this subjuct would certainly be appreciated.    — Char G. (posted on February 1, 2003)

February 1, 2003
I have seen the critiria for abdominoplasty to be medically necessary and it does say it is necessary due to rashes and infections due to large pannus after weight loss. I think its harder to get a tt prior to excessive weight loss. Other criterias for tt to be medically necessary are overstretching due to pregnancy, trauma or surgeries and hernias. I read your profile and you have United Health Care, I hear they are pretty fair when it comes to having plastics done. If you are already getting rashes and infections then after your weight loss that may help you.
   — Lisa N M.

February 1, 2003
They may not cover TT as most of the time it is cosmedic. However they may cover panniculectimy for medical reasons. You need to get a plastic surgeon who knows how to work with YOUR insurance company. Good Lux
   — Robert L.

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