Surgery Scheduled for May 20th ...mulitple questions RE anesthesia and IV fluids

and I'm wondering if I should discuss the anesthesia used with my surgeon. He's familiar with WLS patients, as he does TT's, etc. on WLS patients all the time. Should I be concerned with the fluids in the IV. Not the pain meds, or he stuff that sedates you but don't they usually put some kine of nutritional stuff in there, with glucose or something in it? My question is, will anything they put in the IV possibly cause me to dump? Also, do they commonly put a tube down your throat into the stomach? I'm having rhinoplasty, so I won't be able to breath from my nose, so I assume they'll leave my throat open to breath, right?    — KelBurt (posted on May 6, 2003)

May 6, 2003
Hi Kelli! Congratulations on your upcoming date! I had a LAP-RYN on 4/11, and I'm down 25 lbs. Woo-Hoo! Yes, they give you IV fluids to keep you fed and hydrated, and no, nothing in the IV will make you dump. I know some patients who did not have to have an NG tube, but my surgeon insisted that mine stay in place until he saw the results of an x-ray the morning after surgery to make sure there were no leaks. It didn't hurt at all, but it DOES dry your mouth out somethin' fierce, so be sure to ask for swabs to keep your mouth moist. The NG tube doesn't interfere with breathing either through your nose or your mouth, so you'll be just fine! Best of luck to you!!!
   — momstah

May 6, 2003
It sure doesn't hurt to talk to them beforehand. Man... you're lucky! I've ALWAYS wanted a new nose! Now, I want a new nose AND new boobs. I doubt they'll do an NG tube for a rhinoplasty, but you just never know. They'll need to know about your new stomach, just in case! GOOD LUCK!!
   — Diana L.

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