Should I have a vertical incision done for my tummy tuck?

I'm going to have a tummy tuck in about a month and a half. Two out of the three surgeons I've seen recommended a vertical incision to tighten the upper ab; the other said he could do it without. I'd much rather avoid the long scar from the vertical. How do I choose? Has anyone done it without the upper incision and been satisfied?    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on June 14, 2003)

June 14, 2003
The PS I talked to is actually going to do both. Using my RNY scar to take in the upper abdomen and the second will be along the public to remove the apron. I'm 53 so at this point I am not concerned with the scars I will be left with. It's not like I will wear a bikini. I'm surprised that he would go with the verticle, I thouhgt most would use the pubic cut if they were going to go with one.
   — bbjnay

June 14, 2003
If the majority thinks you'd have a better result with also using a vertical to pull in that area then that's probably your best bet. Its up to you but if a standard TT doesn't get rid of all the flabby skin are you going to be happier than if you had a scar? Something to consider. FYI I had mine done hip to hip and then continued around my backside at my waist - no vertical. It would totally depend on your situation though.
   — Shelly S.

June 14, 2003
My TT scar goes from hip to hip and breast bone to pubic bone. When Doc V and I talked about the TT, he asked me if I cared about the scar, and truthfully, I didn't. I'm 34 years old, and I am not about to run around in a half shirt or a bikini. I do, however, have a 24 inch waist, because doing it that way, he was able to cinch my waist. I love the effect it had on my overall figure...and the really doesn't bother clothes, I look a bikini, I wouldn't look so hot, but then again, I'd look dang better than I did 120 lbs ago. Have a Sparkling Day!! ~CAE~
   — Mustang

June 14, 2003
Michele, I just had a tummy tuck a week and 6 days ago, the first PS wanted to do an ancor cut and I wasnt soo pleased with that idea however, the 2nd one didnt want that added scar and did the bikini incision, I am not sure which route is better but I would go with what the PS wants and feels you will get a better out come from. You will probably get rid of alot more with the ancor cut but then you also have the scar to deal with so its really up to you on which way would best suit your needs good luck to you Deanna in Las Vegas. NV
   — Deanna Wise

June 14, 2003
Hi, I just had an extended abdominoplasty (TT) and anterior/medial thigh lift on June 4th. My incision is the "anchor' also. It's from under the breast bone to the top of the pubic area, and hip to hip, with a cute new belly button thrown in as well. My PS removed 5# of skin and fat from my jelly belly and tightened up those rectus abdominus (six pack) muscles at the same time. I wanted it done to maximize the effect and results so far are wonderful. I do have some swelling above the incision line, but that should disipate in the next couple of weeks as the fluids mobilize and I wear my body shaper to provide compression to the areas. I did not ahve any lipo with this TT/thigh lift. He also removed about 3-4 inches of excess skin from my upper/inner thighs. Theya re also swollen, but look really good compared to all tht loose crepy skin. I would listen carefully to the recommendations of your surgeons and look at A LOT of before and after pics as well as talk to people who have had the same procedures you are considering. Best of luck to you, Diane N
   — DianeN

June 19, 2003
I have a hip to hip incision. I saw one doctor who wanted to slice me down the middle and hip to hip. Thank God I didn't choose him. I've ben THRILLED with the hip to hip cut. It worked great. I have a 26 inch waist now. Most doctors who want to anchor cut you are older and that's the way they handled former fat people. I have a young plastic surgeon who tries to have as few scars as possible.
   — Patty H.

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