Post RNY Can you have Oral Sex and swallow?

I know this a very forward question. I apologize if it offends anyone. Since a post RNY stomach is sosmall and of course kind of raw at first, I wonder if it would be bad. I truly do not mean to offend anyone!    — Tammy E. (posted on July 7, 2003)

July 7, 2003
ROFLMAO!!! OMG what a great question! Hey, it's protein, and the volume is small, so I'd say why not? Go for it, girl! Might want to wait till you're totally healed, though. Chris
   — Chris T.

July 7, 2003
HI.....I wanted to let you know that I am 1 1/2 years post op and I have no problems. :-)) I would first make sure that you are at least a couple months post op and take it slow. One thing I hear's a great protein source...great for your hair. LOL Good luck
   — hawk4life

July 7, 2003
I do know that the answer to the question is yes since it is a "liquid" lol
   — jennifer A.

July 7, 2003
yes, lets face it, its only a teeny tiny little drop or two most of the time, not gallons like in the movies!
   — janetc00

July 7, 2003
Oh thank you....I wanted to ask the same question, but was just too affraid to ask it.
   — Cindy P.

July 7, 2003
When in doubt, spit it out.
   — Tawnda C.

July 7, 2003
Janet "a teeny little drop or two"? Um, not true!! LOL! Hey, we're all adults here. Anyway, this question has been asked in the Q&A postings before and yes, it is apparently OK. Have fun!
   — Joyce C.

July 8, 2003
I teased my boyfriend that I was not so sure about this and that maybe I should post it on the Q&A. He and I had a big chuckle. Wait until he hears you had the nerve to ask! Good for you!
   — Sharon B.

July 8, 2003
I have always heard it is pure protein, however I read somewhere (Can't remember where!) that it is not protein at all and is mostly fat. I have no idea which is the truth.
   — Peggy B.

July 8, 2003
I am very disappointed to see that they removed my original response to this post.. because it was oh so clever. However, I will say again.. semen consists of protein (DNA=actual sperm) and fructose which nourishes the sperm in their little journey. There are are a couple of other components to semen but not really worth mentioning..this natural compound is completely digestible..don't believe the silly rumors that it is not. One departing comment, it's not polite to spit!! :D
   — chris S.

July 8, 2003
I used to pre-op but post-op I can't. It makes me too nauseous and I throw up so out with the spit it goes!!
   — Diananana

October 31, 2005
Gosh I am glad I aint the only one with this question. I do know though that with RNY we do not have the gastric acids to kill off and potential bacteria's that maybe in the sperm. So aside from all the proteins etc, whats to protect us from the bacteria's which are also in the sperm? Really wished we had an actual medical expertice on this question :)
   — niteshadow181

October 31, 2005
ROFLMAO!!!!! If you can't ask it here--HELL, you can't ask it anywhere! I love this site!!!!!
   — mischief85

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