Does anyone take Shaklee vitamins Post-Op?

I currently take Shaklee's Vita-Lea w/Iron. Does anyone else take these?    — Ashley S. (posted on July 16, 2003)

July 16, 2003
I take the Vita-Lea w/Iron, the separate iron supplement, Vita E, B complex and C. I don't use their calcium b/c it has both the carbonate and citrate and I am not sure of the ratio. I love their products, their quick dissolve/absorption time, and that they are considered a whole food with nothing artificial. At my 18 mo post-op appt, my surgeon said that whatever I was doing to keep doing it because my labs were fantastic.
   — Cheri M.

July 16, 2003
You should alway's check with your nutritionist before switching vitamins. The latest studies out show that 37% of us will become vitamin deficient within the first two years. That is probably was so many doctors are moving away from recommending Flinstones or childrens vitamins. We have special needs because some vitamins are usually absorbed in a portion of the digestive tract that is now bypassed. I take Bariatric Lifestyle Complete Nutritional System vitamins. They were created especially for post ops and only cost around $9 a month. Here is a link for more info
   — Linda A.

July 17, 2003
Hi, I am a Shaklee distributor. For right now I am not taking Vita Lea because I have chewables in the house. I am going to be starting on the liquid form of it real soon. They do have a chewable calcium and you can crush the b-complex if you take that also. Their pill form of Vita Lea with iron can be crushed also and it will not degrade the contents.
   — ChristineB

March 30, 2004
Hi there. I am 3 years post-op. I take Shaklee products because they are all natural and completely bio-available. They are not filled with tars, coals, and artificial colors that most store-bought products are. I take Vita Lea with iron, B-Complex, Soy Protein Powder, Iron Plus C, Opti-Flora Complex witch aids in colon health, and Super Cal Mag Plus. The Super Cal Mag Plus is a combination of citrate and carbonate, however it also has Vitamin D to stimulate calcium absorption, magnesium, Vitamin K and other bone-health minerals including manganese, copper, zinc, and boron. I have had no deficiencies. I believe in these products so much that I became a distributor myself!! For more information and ordering, visit my website at
   — Christina W.

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