Has anyone who has had tummy tuck had indentations in crotch area from drain tubes?

I am 4 weeks out of tummy tuck and am feeling butchered. First of all my incision has a lump (about size of a whopper) which drains continuously, my incision is closed and healing great and where the two drains (jp tubes) were in my pelvic area I have 1 inch indents that look awful. I will never want to have intimacy again if these do not go away. where I was supposed to have had liposuction in my adomin it is swelled up and I messure 4 inches larger than before tummy tuck. Please if this has happened to anyone else let me know if it goes away. My plastic surgeon just smiles in my face and says it is all normal and will go away in about 6 months.    — joannie H. (posted on September 12, 2003)

September 11, 2003
I have not yet had a tummy tuck, but from what I have heard form my support group members who have, is that the swelling is awful, and lasts for as long as 6 months and is normal. the spots with the drains should improve. there is tremendous swelling after liposuction. It is too bad that more doctors dont prepare you for how it will look immediately post op/ then people come out thinking they will look all smooth and sexy right off not realizing the swelling and bruising that normally occur. hang in there your gonna be gorgeous!
   — **willow**

September 12, 2003
Yes, it is pretty normal. My surgeon told me he wished he could make a rule that you can't look at your tummy for three months following a TT! I had the swelling and the "dents" from drains and it all go away eventually. You can't see the drain sites at all, and my incision is virtually invisible. I do still (after 2 years!) get a tiny bit of swelling towards the evening sometimes, but my skinny friends tell me that they get that too and that I probably had it before but couldn't see it under all the fat and/or skin that was there. So: most of the swelling will go away. Every morning your tummy will be so flat it's concave. Once in a while it will have a teensy pooch in the evening. That's my experience and my prediction for you. One thing though: sometimes people do have pockets of fluid that have to be drained. Your surgeon can tell the difference. hugs, Ann RNY 9/10/99 260/124
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 12, 2003
I had 2 drain tubes placed in my crotch area. After they pulled them out, when I look down at them, they look like 2 smiles looking back at me!! It's been 13 months since the surgery and those have faded to the point that no one would notice them except me.
   — Patty H.

September 12, 2003
I had a lower body lift in Febraury and it took every bit of six months for the swelling to resolve itself. Even with that said I still get a little puffy in the lower abdominal area at the end of each day. Plastic Surgery really isn't a pretty business, but as each week goes by you will see more results. I'm sure you'll be pleased.
   — Pamela B.

September 17, 2003
thank you all for the information it helps a lot.
   — joannie H.

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