Is nausea normal in the first weeks post-op?

Hi dear ones, I am so happy to be two weeks into the Losing Side, hooray! Now I know I must take in my full liquids to get nutrition into my body but frankly, except for my simple protein shakes (in milk or juice) I am always slightly nauseated after eating anything else. I am getting enough calories and nutrition if I'm only doing water and protein shakes? My "full liquid" foods are making me queasy! :)    — Deborah M. (posted on October 8, 2003)

October 8, 2003
Your doc should have given you guidelines, but many of them want patients on liquids only for a couple weeks at least, some longer. While you are in the liquid phase you won't get everything you need, but just keep doing your best. Take your vitamins and keep track of your protein intake. In another few weeks you'll feel almost back to normal. Nausea is also sometimes a sign of going to fast, or too large a portion, so consider that too. The first month is the hardest.
   — bethybb

October 8, 2003
As silly as this sounds, go buy peppermint oil or extract and SMELL it when you don't feel well. When I was told this I thought the person was nuts, but it worked! I carried it around with me until I was about 4 months post. Jenn
   — Jennifer L.

October 9, 2003
Some posties do not have nausea or vomiting at all and others have a very rough first month or two. I did not vomit but did suffer nausea every day for about 5-6 weeks. I found that if I forced myself to eat something, even a cracker, it felt better. It does get better over time.
   — Cindy R.

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