
i'm 2 months out from RNY and I need to know how many carbs and how much fat is tooooo much....THANKS    — tracy W. (posted on October 10, 2003)

October 10, 2003
You need to be asking YOUR surgeon as the post op plans vary drastically. For me personally I have never counted fart grams although I know in general I eat low to reasonable fat things. At 2 months out I was eating none to very little carbs, but that was me and not what many do. My plan actually allowed more carbs at that stage than I chose to eat, but staying in max ketosis was working wonders for me in burning fat so I stuck with t, with my surgeon's approval. <p>It is most important you follow your surgeon's plantil around 6 months at least, so call them to get the correct info for you.
   — zoedogcbr

October 10, 2003
Brooke-grow the h*ll up and either provide support to people or don't post at all. It's no wonder that you are getting little to no support for your own post-op issues. What goes around comes around...JR
   — John Rushton

October 10, 2003
The guidelines that I follow were set by my Nutritionist. When reading the labels on foods the Total Fat grams should not exceed 30%, Saturated Fats not to exceed 20% and, keep careful on the carbs since some carbs are good for you. I limit the "bad" carbs to less than 30 per day. This is working for me and I really do not feel like I am dieting. Also, keep in mind, that at only 6mos out, I still eat very little portions. I hope you have a good nutritionist.... they have volumes of information to get you through these times!! Best of luck to you!!
   — teresa M.

October 11, 2003
You really need to address this question to your surgeon or nutritionist. It seems to vary from surgeon to surgeon. For me, I was told no more than 30 grams of carbs per day and no more than 20 grams of fat.
   — Cathy S.

October 11, 2003
I am 9 months post-op, down over 100 pounds, and I still worry on a daily basis about my diet. I am always worried that I am eating too many carbs, or too much fat, or too many calories. I guess my rule of thumb so far has been eat protein first, try to get about 80g of protein a day, try to keep my carb intake below my protein intake, and if it is a good day, try to keep my carbs below 60g. I try to keep my calories around 1200. I do not worry about how many fat grams I eat each day. I do not assume that I malabsorb anything (80cm bypassed, have no clue what percentage of food is not absorbed so I don't guess, I count it all). I wish I knew the definitive answer for you, but I don't. It is all trial and error. I think the actual surgery part of this journey is the easiest, by far. The hard part starts after you get home from the hospital and start putting food in your mouth. Good luck!
   — Kristen S.

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