How long before you can return to work?

I know everyone is different, and everyone heals differently, but I am 21yo, and I was told that I would heal very quickly because I am young. I would love to hear from everyone, but especially those around my age, how long did it take you to recover and return to work after having lap rny? Thanks! =o)    — Houman F. (posted on November 10, 2003)

November 9, 2003
I was 44 at the time of surgery and went back part time in just over a week, mostly out of boredom. My job is physical at times so I took it easy for a few weeks. Do ask your surgeon. My profile is VERY complete on this subject with activities.
   — bob-haller

November 9, 2003
I was 44 at the time of surgery and went back part time in just over a week, mostly out of boredom. My job is physical at times so I took it easy for a few weeks. Do ask your surgeon. My profile is VERY complete on this subject with activities.
   — bob-haller

November 9, 2003
I was 21 when I had my first surgery (VBG) in 1995. I planned to take a week off, but it turned into 2 weeks because I was having dizzy spells. Nothing was wrong, I was just pushing myself too hard. When I had my revision to RNY in 2002 I was 29 and was off work two weeks. Both times I had a desk job. By the way, I was not lap, but open both times.
   — Ali M

November 9, 2003
I had lap surgery (RNY) on a Friday and I went back to work Monday morning...I was 42.. I only missed 1 day of work.
   — lee J.

November 9, 2003
I had and open RNY (the incision was 13 inches long) and I stayed home for 3 weeks, although I really could have gone back to work after 2 weeks. (I had two prior C-sections and this was by far much easier -- for me) It all will depend though, my boss had never had surgery before and had a much tougher time. I was 35 at the time of my surgery.
   — Dana B.

November 9, 2003
Everyone really is very different on this issue, as the posts suggest. I'm 45, had surgery on 9/11/03, and returned to work on 10/13/03. I had planned to return on 10/6, but just felt I needed that extra week. I was very tired, and still felt I needed the extra sleep that I knew I wouldn't get after returning to work. My doctor's office had no problem with allowing me more time off - they were willing to go up to 6 weeks. My son (23) had surgery on May 5, 2003, and he was feeling pretty good in less than 2 weeks. Since you're young, I hope that will be the case for you, too. Good luck.
   — Carlita

November 10, 2003
I'm 45 years old and I had my surgery on April 8, 2003. I could have returned after two weeks. However, I decided that I wanted to take the maximum allowed time that my company would give to take care of myself (7 weeks). I wanted to get the eating down, exercise, and just relax. Let my body and mind recover from this major surgery. Talk with your doctor. Don't rush your return if you can help it. If you have to go back to work ask if you can come in for shorter days for a week or two. You really do need to recover both physically and emotionally from this surgery. I'm 7 months post-op. Started at 318 lbs and I'm down to 188 lbs. Good Luck!
   — Linda R.

November 10, 2003
I had Lap RNY on 10/23. I was out that Thursday and Friday and the following week. I started back last Monday ( 11/3 ). I worked till 3pm both Monday and Tuesday and worked full days the rest of the week. I have a desk job and the most uncomfortable thing for me was my back hurt. I took my heating pad to work and tied it to the back of my chair. Helped out a lot! I would ask your doctor first. Oh, I'm 22 by the way. Good luck! :o)
   — Ashley S.

November 10, 2003
Well, I know that you asked for Lap, however, I had open RNY, and had it on a wednesday morning, and the following Wednesday (one week later), i was back at work full time. I was 26 years old when I had my surgery 10 months ago. I am now down 110 pounds.
   — sheri H.

November 10, 2003
I was 28 at the time of my surgery on 2/26/03 and returned to work on St. Patrick's Day 3/17/03. I felt well enough to do most activities about 1 week post op, but took the advice of my doc and took things slow. I wish you the best of luck, hang in there!
   — Amy P.

November 11, 2003
I am 20 years old, and I went back to work a week after my surgery... i probably should have waited another few days... but I just took it wasy, and I was fine. Good luck, and God Bless!
   — Katrina K.

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