I am worried about sodium

I am concerned about how much sodium I intake. I don't salt anything, but between deli meats and Lean Cuisine, that's most of my post-op diet. I am worried I may be taking in too much sodium. Any ideas?    — mrsmyranow (posted on November 10, 2003)

November 10, 2003
Hi Myra, My nutritionist said we should not worry about getting too much sodium at all. She even mentioned someone who got so low in sodium, her heart stopped and she died. My post op diet has no condiment/flavoring restrictions other than watching sugar. You should follow your program, sodium restriction is something best left to those who's doctors have ordered it. As to salt quality, I love this product called Realsalt which retains trace minerals. Its a natural salt without any heat processing. Hope this helps!
   — Soosan

November 10, 2003
I was craving salt after surgery...and, still do, occassionaly, at 7mos PO! I was told that we need to keep up our sodium levels and it would be hard to over do it since we malabsorb. Check in with your nutritionist. It doesn't sound like you are over doing salt at all right now. Best of luck! Open RNY 3/20/03 255/170/145
   — teresa M.

November 11, 2003
My nutritionist said the same thing as the first poster's did. She said salt is one of the last things we need to worry about. I wish I remembered specifically the scenario she gave me, but I can't. I am sure if you speak to your nutritionist, you will get a good, solid answer to your question.
   — Louise D.

November 11, 2003
Thanks all!
   — mrsmyranow

November 12, 2003
I have low blood pressure (was on high bp meds preop) and have to actually increase my sodium intake now! I surely wouldn't worry about it unless you're just gobbling it up and it doesn't sound like you are :>)
   — [Deactivated Member]

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