what can I eat to get enough protein. I cannot drink the protein powder

   — marie S. (posted on January 26, 2004)

January 26, 2004
Try Isopure zero carb drink in a bottle. 36 grams protein. It is more like koolaid than a shake. Or how about Carb Countdown dairy beverage. 12 protein per cup and only 3 carbs.
   — Stacie B.

January 26, 2004
The following web address has a place that show protein content of just about any food you could want. Hope this helps. JIM
   — Jim S.

January 26, 2004
Mix the powder w/ sugar free pudding. Worked for me.
   — mrsmyranow

January 26, 2004
How long since your surgery? what kind of foods does your doctor have you on? Liquids? Soft? Regular foods? it will make a difference on what foods people will suggest for protein. Also, how many grams of protein are you trying to get in a day?
   — Patricia T.

January 26, 2004
Hey! Great idea? Here's one. Skimmed Milk has 8 grams of does 1/3 a cup of powdered milk. Granted it's a bit thick, but there is NO funny taste. It just tastes like thick thick milk. That's 16g of protien in 8 oz...not to shabby. AND (WAHOO) it counts as fluid for the day(according to 2 different nutritionists i've seen). So 4 cups of milk w/ powder & 4 cups of water...and you're set.
   — mandy-shea B.

January 26, 2004
OH!! one last thing. I think it was GNC...but they make liquid protien. It tastes like cough syrup but has something like 3g per tablespoon. Just in case you're running short.
   — mandy-shea B.

January 27, 2004
Are you able to eat fish yet?? A can of Tuna (in water, not oil) has about 30 grams of protein and only about 150 calories.. That's an excellent source of protein!!
   — Mike F.

January 27, 2004
I eat lots and lots of moz cheese sticks. Started with 1 per serving and now eat 4 per serving with one serving every single day. I could probably eat more of them, but it satisfies me. I get the required protein in daily without protein drinks (though I admit I kind of like the new slimfast low-carb shakes and have one occasionally on the run).
   — [Deactivated Member]

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