Problems with my Incision

I had an arm lift done March 1st and have not had any major complications. However; this is a small piece under my left arm which I am not sure what it is, but it is obviously not healing. It is not a piece of the incision that has opened, but appears to be a red piece of tissue that should have been sewed up, but may have been accidentally left out. It's a red piece of tissue that's poking out of my incision. That's the best way I can describe it. Also, I have been oozing pus from their and I've noticed it does have a sour odor to it. I can't wear deodorant, so I've been washing it several times a day and adding antibiotic ointment. My skin is a little red around this area, but I don't have a fever so I'm not sure its infected. Does anyone know what this is?    — Lisa N M. (posted on March 23, 2004)

March 23, 2004
pus and redness = go see your surgeon right away. You don't want to mess around with this. If it's nothing, then great. If it's something, it's better to catch it right away, before anything bad can happen. Fever or no, call your dr!

March 23, 2004
I agree, call your surgeon immediately.
   — Carolyn B.

March 23, 2004
That happened to me with my RNY surgery. The suture the surgeon used bonded the skin too tight and the spot where that suture was absessed. It was infected and the doctor put me on antibiotics and told me "DO NOT USE ANTIBIOTIC OINTMENT" the ointment is too oily and doesn't allow air into the wound which facilitates healing, instead I did a daily rinse of 1/2 hydrogen peroxide and 1/2 water. This cleansed the wound and still left it open to air to let it drain and aid healing.
   — Jessica Wyatt Robinson

March 24, 2004
This is likely a small piece of fatty tissue.It will heal but may be a slow process. Sure sounds like it is infected. Wash area 2-3 times a day with warm soapy water. Some surgeons like antibiotic oint and some do not.Call your surgeon ASAP. Fever is not always present with infection.
   — Linda Dianne E.

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