Can medifast be used post surgically

Can Medifast be used post surgically? I am not a milk drinker per say....or is it too high in sugar?    — eileen B. (posted on November 1, 1999)

November 24, 1999
Yes, it can. My surgeon wanted me on a 28gr/protein a day. My regular doc (on the ball) ran my blood work and wants me on a minimum of 40gr. My regular doc is also a bariatric specialist and was going to put me on the medi/opti-fast envelopes (covered by insurance), instead of the powdered protein from GNC. You may actually eat 40 grams of protein a day, but because of your shortened gut, you won't absorb all of it, plus any diarrhea reduces it even more.
   — blank first name B.

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