Which is better, soy protein or whey? or are they equal?

   — Joann B. (posted on April 28, 2000)

April 27, 2000
The difference between soy and wheyis that they are made from two different ingredients. Soy is made from soybeans. Whey is made from dairy products. Most people who have the surgery cannot eat the whey protein products because they have lactose intolerance after surgery. If you do not have this condition then try them both. They both offer protein. Personally, I look for the soy protein products.
   — twenc

April 28, 2000
No disrespect they both taste terrible!!!
   — [Anonymous]

April 28, 2000
I asked my nutritionist that same question, and she said egg protein is probably the highest quality supplement you can buy. Soy and whey are also good for supplementing the protein you get from real foods. You can buy several brands of whey protein that have no lactose, if you are concerned about lactose intolerance.
   — Lynn K.

April 28, 2000
They are both good. It depends on which study you look at. I have 2 studies here that say whey is MUCH more bio-avialable than soy. Soy is trendy right now to prevent cancer. Whey is separated from lactose. Very few whey proteins contain any lactose AT ALL. Be sure to look at the label to make sure they are lactose free. The bottom line is that soy proteins are gritty and don't have a good flavor. They are cheaper, however. MANY are way too high in sugar for good wt loss, so if you go with soy, be sure you read the labels and know your limits. Whey is smooth and some are not only tasty but really, really good. There are dozens of acceptable whey proteins out there and they come in SO many flavors, you woudn't believe it! Also, most wheys will shake up nicely in water, so you're not adding any unneccessary calories or sugars with juices. And finally, the best protein for you is the one you will take. As long as you're getting in your 60g a day with as little "add-ons" as possible, that is the best supplement for you. As you can see, I am a whey fan.
   — vitalady

April 28, 2000
This has been asked so many times!!!! Go to the databank on this site and type in protein or soy or whey and you will see many, many responses to this type of question. The databank has some great information about so many topics, answers previously given with wonderful opinions! :-)
   — Fran B.

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