How can I deal with dating when men shun me even if Im only 25 lbs too heavy?

Im in my late 20s and Ive always been a very shy person when it comes to men. As a result, most of the relationships I have had were the result of personals ads and internet dating. I had thought up until now that the reason I had yet to find someone good was because I was so heavy (most of the men who "accepted" me as I was had severe flaws like lying, etc.). Now that Ive lost a lot of weight (I currently weigh 190 lbs at 5'7") I had hoped to have more opportunities open up. Unfortunately I still get the same treatment I was receiving when I weighed 315 lbs even when I lie and say I weigh 175 lbs!!! I live in Southern California where you have to be thin and blonde to get the guys. Anyway, this repeated rejection is starting to turn me very bitter. I mean judging from some of the pictures Ive seen a lot of these guys are nothing to look at. Ive thought about getting a picture of myself scanned because Im considered to be fairly attractive but then I wonder whether these men are worth the effort if they wont give a woman a chance who is only 25 or so lbs overweight. Any suggestions from women in similar situations? Im hoping to hear from someone who will tell me that not ALL California men are jerks, just most of them.    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 21, 2000)

July 21, 2000
Hi. I am sure you are a wonderful girl/woman and if they are that superficial then you do not need them. Just wait for the right guy to come around. There are a lot of nice guys out there even in California. At 5'7" and 190, you are not that big anymore. Are you still losing? Let's face it, guys do not like fat chicks BUT there are exceptions to the rule. You are probably on your way to being thinner so you have that incentive. I think self confidence is attractive so just know you are beautiful and everything will fall into place.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 21, 2000
Hi, I think maybe you should give up the internet game and get and with friends and meet some men face to face. I think if telling your weight is supposed to be the start of a wonderful relationship we are all doomed! I have a wonderful, handsome husband who fell in love with me when I was 100 lbs overweight. But if he had seen my weight before he ever met me, things might have been different. Get out and meet some people the old fashioned way. I think you will be surprised and men will be flocking to get your attention! Hope this helps!
   — Laura P.

July 21, 2000
I don't have a lot of experience dating as I was married for 15 years. But I can tell you that at 250 lbs and more, there were one or two very good looking, normal sized guys that were attracted to me. I've always thought it was because we knew each other first...they got the chance to know me and then decided my 'pretty face' enhanced my personality. Nothing came out of it (all parties were married!), but it was still nice to know that guys were attracted to me. In any case, it is sad but true that a lot of men don't see a large woman's 'curb appeal', and oftentimes we get passed by. But I thought I'd share this little pearl that I learned during divorce therapy: You will be ready to date when you don't want to, have to or need to. When you aren't looking for it, it will come your way. Don't be bitter, just take your mind off of it, find some activities to keep you busy and most of all, enjoy being with yourself! When that happens, you will project it and others will notice. Good Luck and God Bless!
   — Allie B.

July 21, 2000
I'm 59 years old, I've been fat since I was 20, I have never lacked for men in my life and at this writing I still have an ex-husband begging to come back and a gentleman friend that I haven't been intimate with for over a year that still pursues me (he's 43, tall, thin and good looking). My daughter is 5'6" and weighs 187 pounds. She is beautiful and has men approaching her wherever she goes. While a lot (I won't even say most) men prefer women that are not fat, there are a great many who like large women and some even prefer them. Don't sell yourself short, do your best to look your best, smile and be friendly. I'm a quiet person and not very outgoing but your attitude can carry you beyond that. Learn to have confidence in yourself.
   — Connie G.

July 21, 2000
I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but your life seems to be a fulfillment of your thoughts. You believe that "you have to be thin and blonde to get the guys." This is not true, no matter where you live. You've also settled for liars in the past because you were so grateful that they "accepted you." This signals major self-esteem problems. I think that you need to work on your 'self talk" and read some books or get some counseling on developing higher standards for yourself. Nobody should ever 'settle' for someone who has lower standards in morals, etc. Get out of the house, join into some sports activities, attend church services and fellowship activities regularly. Work on your shyness. You have nothing to be ashamed of in your physical looks. Work on yourself. The best way to find friends is to BE ONE. Be interested in others. LISTEN to others, show your interest - genuine interest. If you find a man who is only interested in your body (regardless of size) drop him! You can work through this.
   — Cindy H.

July 21, 2000
I don't know about California men (I am from Florida) I do know this. It doesn't matter how big you are or small you are, it is the attitude. I don't really date very much either, and I used to think it was because I was fat and ugly. Chances are you are like me and you don't want men who only want one thing. Believe it or not, you probably have standards and expectations that the "low life men" can't fulfill for you and you radiate that unconsciously and you don't really want anything to do with these men. Take care of yourself and make yourself happy. If you do that and you feel pretty, you'll carry yourself around like you are pretty. You have to believe it yourself before you can ever expect anyone else to believe it. During the time of weight loss, take care of yourself. This is ME time. You need to have the ME time to get used to everything, because there is a lot to get used to. The rest will fall into place as long as you know what you want and never settle for less. Strut your stuff girl because you deserve it! You lost that weight and believe you deserve nothing but the finest and loads of respect. Go you!!!
   — Danielle K.

July 21, 2000
First of all, congrats on your weight loss. You're doing great, and you should feel very proud of yourself. It sounds though, that even though you resent men who judge you on your looks, you are doing the same thing to yourself. No one can deny that physical attraction plays an important role in relationships, but it isn't the most important part. Ask yourself what kind of image you are portraying to others. If it is an image that only deals with looks, then people will use that for or against you. On the other hand, if you are portraying confidence about yourself, feeling secure about yourself, an interesting and fun personality, and a feeling of warmth and caring, that makes you a much more "marketable catch". Don't fall into the same appearance trap that you seem to be surrounded with. In my early twenties I went through a bitterness stage with men because of my weight. I went to OA meetings, and that helped me substantially. I would also encourage you to see a therapist. I was told on several occasions that it would be good to see a therapist before and after WLS, and I can understand why. We are undergoing major physical and emotional changes. While the primary reason for my surgery was due to worsening health issues, I also have to be honest and say that I am looking forward to dating and marrying as an "added perk". I am 36 and have never done the dating scene besides 1 guy I dated throughout high school and college. Right now I very much want to be in a loving, caring relationship and have children. I am confident that it will happen. Hang in there. Don't sell yourself short. Make a list for YOURSELF of all the wonderful personality and character traits you have. Make another list of the wonderful personality and character traits you want a spouse to have. If you compare the lists, you will probably find that appearances are not at the top of those lists. Best of luck to you. (hugs)
   — Paula G.

July 21, 2000
Congratulations on your weight loss. Are you receiving any therapy? After going through an eating disorder...we still have scars to deal with. Sometimes it might feel that the self-esteem is better, yet, deep inside we are still dealing with some issues. God, has a perfect man just for you. However, God also has his own timing. Pray, seek some help, and rest assured it will happen!
   — LaNora L.

July 21, 2000
Congrats on what a good job your doing! losing that much weight is something to be very proud of. I have been overweight for many years, but i've always had tons of attention from men, and i think that all comes from keeping a positive attitude and never "thinking" as a fat person. I know I am attractive, and I know I have tons of positive attributes to bring to a relationship and because i KNOW this, it helps others KNOW it about me. Everyone is right, go see a counselor or read some self-help books (they really aren't all full of crap!) When you feel good about yourself, you'll be amazed at what happens in your life. only having 25lbs to goal is AWESOME and you should be very proud of yourself. I think men sometimes get a "number" in their head and THAT is what they think a woman should weigh. and if those are the type of men you are meeting, you need to find a different way to meet men. Taking a "fun" class at a local community college is terrific way to meet someone. Do some charity work. Habitat for Humanity has men who obviously have good hearts and strong backs! what more could you ask for, a man not afraid to help others. Some people have had luck on the internet, but from my experiences, those are few and far between. i use the net now simply for research and email. I am involved with a guy that i knew from high school, so, skip the personals, turn off the computer and start working on the "inner you" since the OUTER you is well on its way! Good Luck and keep your chin up!!!
   — [Anonymous]

July 21, 2000
Sugar, Any man that just looks at your "size" is worth having!! Try joining singles groups at a church. I would be very leery about dating services, etc. because there are a lot of wierdo's out there just waiting to prey on women. It's a lot better to be single & lonely than it is to be taken advantage of!!! Sometime married guys or separated guys post on the net or dating services just because they're bored & think it's a joke. If a guy is a divorcee, I'd want to know why before I invested too much time with him. If he's not willing to talk about it...what is he trying to hide??? I'm just telling you to be careful because sometimes when we're lonely we become vulnerable. I just don't like to see any woman get a heart ache over an unscrupulous man!!!
   — Kathy A.

July 21, 2000
This is just my 2 cents, but maybe you should get out more. I personally wouldn't be looking in personal adds and on the internet for men. You are so young, and now with your new body you might have more confidence while out. Have you ever thought about joining a mixed ball team, or getting involved with any other type of sports? I know that if you are like me, you would have never dreamed of playing sports, especially with men. But believe me, a lot of men play ball, and are also looking for women. Not only can you meet the men on the team that you play on, but there are the other teams, tournaments, dances...ect. It's just a thought, but it sound to me like more fun, than reading personal adds.
   — Bluefever

July 21, 2000
What hit me about your question is, where are you in all this? You are the most important person. Until we are feeling good in our own skin I don't care who shows up it will not feel right. When we are externally focused for our happiness we are never satisfied, our happiness has to first come from within. We attract people in our lives that reflect what is going on with us. I am a lot older and been through it all. I didn't find a spouse until I was developing myself, doing volunteer work, going to school, going to church, finding my path. A great book is The Road Less Traveled. The author talks about it is the brave among us who seek to develop and become fully human. We will never find happiness from someone else until we first take care of ourselves. You are on a journey. I grew up in California and I know what it is like, but I found the love of my life without losing weight first, he was attracted to who I had become. I wish you all the best on your journey. June
   — June F.

July 21, 2000
Hi. I had to chuckle when I read your question because my best friend, (who lost a considerable amount of weight herself a few years ago via conventional weight loss methods...God bless her!) advised me before MY wls, that "the same men who were "jerks" BEFORE you lost the weight will still be "jerks" AFTER you lose it". YOU have just PROVED her point. Now, I don't know about California men, but I think (alot) of men are just the same no matter what state (country...universe...etc) they reside in. So my humble, yet unsolicited, advice is this: whatever you do, DON'T lower your own standards or allow yourself to "settle" for ANYTHING less than you deserve! You have every right to "shun" the "shunners". Walk PROUDLY away until you find just EXACTLY what you're looking for (but allow yourself to have some "fun" now in the process) You're doing great! Continued good luck and God bless. cj
   — cj T.

February 1, 2002
DEFINITELY post your picture. Honestly, most men have no clue what a 190 lbs. woman looks like. They all think that 110 lbs. is normal. They think that at 300 lbs., a woman would be unable to get out of her bedroom without the help of ENTs and a crane! They don't have a clue! Just post a picture and don't even enter your weight if you can. And for those who reject you in person because of the 25 lbs., forget them.
   — [Anonymous]

September 4, 2002
Hi--first of all, CONGRATS on your wonderful weight loss! Let me tell you from past experience that when you're in the "still losing weight" phase, you're not ready for any kind of relationship. You're still a work-in-progress; give yourself some time to let your mind and body adjust to the new you. Don't become obsessed with the "I gotta find a guy" mindset. Just focus on wonderful YOU! Secondly, remember that, generally speaking, men are used to reading Playboy, et al, and to them, an ideal weight for a woman is 110#. So 175 sounds HUGE to them (even though I KNOW that you look great--been there, done that)! If you must give a number (and I don't feel you must, to anyone), just say you weigh 140. (remember, they think the average woman weighs 110, so when they meet you, they'll think you look 140...) Hope this helps!
   — Joyce C.

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