How much fluid should I be drinking????

I am 3 days post-op and have no clue how much fluid I need to be trying to drink. In the hospital they gave me one ounce an hour.. When should I increase this. I am feeling like I need more. Help!!!!    — Diane B. (posted on September 8, 2000)

September 8, 2000
Slowly increase your fluid intake until you get to the point where you are taking in close to 2 liters a day. I have no problem doing this and have been for 3 or 4 months. I am 5 months post op. It is strongly advised that you stop drinking before you eat and don't start drinking again until at least 1/2 hour after you finish your meals. I take 2 12 or 16 ounce bottles of water to work to drink every morning. Then repeat at night plus drink diet Snapples and coffee.
   — Cindy H.

September 8, 2000
Water is your body's most important nutrient. Essential for nearly all physiological functions, water helps to maintain body temperature, lubricate and cushion organs, transport nutrients, and flush toxins and broken down fat from the body. <p> Your body needs water, even if you don't feel thirsty. Everyone should drink at least (eight) 8-ounce glasses of water per day, (64oz) and an active person should strive for even more. Keep in mind that any beverage can fulfill the requirement (except those containing alcohol and caffeine, as they are diuretics), but water is the healthiest and the most thirst-quenching. <p> It's funny too before surgery I hated water.. Now, it's just about my only drink.. I have an insulated jug that holds 64 oz and that's my goal daily to empty it. So the v8 juice, protein drink or iced tea I have throughout the day is just extra fluid.. ;-)
   — Victoria B.

September 8, 2000
We were told to drink 1 oz every 5 minutes at first. As time went on, we drank more like a regular person, but no guzzling. 64 oz is an excellent goal, with adding an extra glass a day when you plateau. Also, while Crystal Light and the water you mix with your protein supplement will count toward your 64 oz, caffeinated drinks subtract. For every 8 oz cup of coffee you drink, you need to replace it with 8 oz of water to end up at 0. :-( I know! I know! I just HATE that rule. But I had to have kidney stones myself before I believed it! AND my weight loss was slowed due to my stubborness. I mean, you just can't get around it! Sip, sip, sip.
   — vitalady

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