Need suggestions........for tummy tuck referral.

I ahd my surgery 10 months ago I started at 253 I am now 138! I want to have my Tummy Tuck done for the excess skin, But since my surgery I have switched insurance companies. I had Pru-care HMO they were great no questions asked, I now have Aetna QPOS, I also had to pick a new PCP, I have not met him, I have an appointment with him Monday night, I want to ask him to support and give me a refferal to a plastic surgeon, but I don't know how to ask him, any suggestions    — AnnMarie W. (posted on February 11, 2001)

February 11, 2001
You shouldn't have any problems. I just called a plastic surgeon and made an appointment for a tummy tuck and the very first question they asked me was if I have had WLS. You have many reasons for needing this. A tummy tuck is plastic surgery but a pannilectomy(sp)is reconstructive and you want it to be reconstructive for your insurance company to cover it. If you have personal hygiene problems, rashes, infections, back problems both high and low. These are all reasons to need this reconstructive surgery. I also get rashes under my breasts and my upper back kills me - I am planning on asking that that be covered as well. Good Luck!
   — K T.

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