forgive me for this question

i am 3 and half weeks out i am on solids..but i am craving salsa and pork skins ...i ate these all the time befor wls so many hae differnt answers on pork skins please help me the good and the bad...god bless    — Sandra B. (posted on May 17, 2001)

May 17, 2001
Salsa is healthy enough, but pork skins???? They sound very unhealthy. I know that chicken skin is out of the question, I dont see how pork skins can be good for you. I know too much fat makes me sick.
   — [Anonymous]

May 17, 2001
Pork skins are high in fat.. I guess depending on your surgery.. if you had one where dumping will happen w/ high fat or sugars I would guess more than a small bite or two of pork skins is out. I guess even if you don't have dumping eating something so high in fat wouldn't be good.. but still perhaps a little wouldn't be bad. Its a dilemna for sure..
   — Dawn R.

May 17, 2001
Are you talking about the chippy type pork skins...the ones that are really no more than air?? If so, check on the bag...I'm not a huge fan, but had some after surgery (I forget how far post-op), I got them from wal-mart, and you cooked them in the microwave, just like popcorn. They were wonderful!! Actually relatively low in fat, and they had protein!! Read the bag, see what you can find...I'm not sure about the ones that you buy in the chip isle at the store. Regarding timing, I would think...again based on low fat count...that you could have one or two as soon as your dr says you can have crackers and other crunchy items. WARNING ***Just be careful about craving the wrong kinds of foods...they can be trouble as the cravings only get worse the more post-op you are....this is what lead many of us down this path in the first place****
   — tlg6056

May 17, 2001
I do eat pork skins on occasion. A 1/2 oz serving has 8 gms of protein. They are high in fat and can cause dumping.
   — [Anonymous]

May 17, 2001
Pork skins.......ewww..not my fave, but maybe if you had some and they made you sick, you would get over them really quick! I think you could ask your doctor, too...he won't yell too loudly.......:)
   — [Anonymous]

May 17, 2001
I have eaten pork rinds no problem. I can't eat the barbequed ones . The fat dosen't bother me but I only eat a few, once in a while. I think I had them as early as three mo post op. What ever you eat just take it slow you never know how you are going to react.
   — Rose A.

May 18, 2001
Sandra, I eat Pork Skins (Hot Flavored) all the time. In fact, Pork Skins and Beef Jerky are pretty much all I snack on. I don't eat near the quantity at a time I used to. I've never dipped them in salsa, but I'm sure that wouldn't cause any problems. In terms of our 'ability' to eat Pork Skins, it's a no-brainer - each one pretty much crunches down to nothing, so they won't get stuck. How will they affect your weight loss ??? Maybe you will reach your goal in 14 months and 3 days, instead of 14 months and 1 day - Who knows ??? I say "Crunch away" !!!! Good luck - Kevin
   — meilankev

May 18, 2001
Is it the crunch with the spicey salsa that you are craving? I eat a lot of salsa, but I use baked tostito chips. I have found that I want a lot of flavor in my food and I can do crunchy chips much better than soft burrito-type things. (hard taco not soft). i have really enjoyed salsa lately and will on occasion put low fat sour cream in it and dip my baked chips into it. Maybe, see if the baked chips will substitute for the pork skins? If not, then moderation is the key!! I will never say that I can NEVER have any food ever again! BTW-I think that your category for this question is askew! LOL(pre-op researching surgeons?)
   — Shelley.

December 9, 2002
personally, I have found anything that has a vinagar-y base stays down only for about 2 seconds after it hits my stomach - im about 6 wks out though...but salsa, soy sauce...they all dont sit well... *sigh*
   — Mary G.

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