Will the fat around my ankles go away after WLS?

I have very fat ankles and am hoping with WLS they will go away. Has anyone else had experience with this?    — Katie M. (posted on July 6, 2001)

July 5, 2001
Katie, I would imagine with substantial weight loss and increased excercise, especially walking, your ankles will slim down considerably. Maybe a spot excercise such as rotating your ankles for a number of times in one direction and then in the opposite would also help.
   — Donna L.

July 5, 2001
I have what I consider fat ankles. And they look fine now. In my family (on my father's side) the women have heavy ankles so mine is inherited. But a big part of the excess size of my ankles WAS because they were so water loged from edema, but now they no longer swell. I am very happy with how I look now , even with my ankles.Look at the other women in your family who are normal size to get some idea.
   — Rose A.

July 6, 2001
Katie, my legs and ankles were so swollen prior to surgery you could not tell I had ankles. Within about three weeks of being post-op I had ankles again. From what I was told a lot of the swelling is from excess fluids and since that is one of the first things we lose your ankles should be back in no time. Good luck with everything.
   — Barry R.

July 6, 2001
I truly wish I could tell you that at one year post-op, my ankles were now lovely and slim. Unfortunately, I still have fence post legs. My wrists are slim and pretty, so I don't know why my ankles are thick...but they are and it doesn't seem anything can be done about it. drat.
   — Anne G.

March 24, 2003
I know you posted this question a long time ago, but I had an experience I thought might help others seeking an answer in the future. I had HUGE ankles before surgery. They would swell so bad that the skin around them would hurt. At one week post-op, I had lost ONE FULL INCH OFF OF EACH ANKLE!!!! Must have been alot of water! YAY!
   — dragonfly0125

May 18, 2004
   — pam J.

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