Constipation! Anyone else?

I never had a problem with constipation before my RNY, but now I have to take stool softeners to keep from getting bound up. I try to drink enough water and not to eat too much meat like ground beef....which is when it first started. Also I have lots of gas. Anyone else? Help.    — Barbara Mark (posted on August 18, 2001)

August 18, 2001
Yup - you're not alone there. Have you tried Citrucell for fiber? And Milk of Magnesia (YUK, but does the trick for me) to make "going" easier? I hope things get more normal soon - for both of us!
   — lalasmommy

August 18, 2001
Have you tried Fiber Choice? They are chewable, orange flavored, sugar-free fiber tablets. They worked wonders for me, and they taste ok, and are very easy to take. I got them at Wal-Mart.. Hope this helps...
   — Kim M.

August 18, 2001
I have heard that if you use granulated Vitamin C that will help constipation. My dad buys it at a health store (or Trader Joes) and dissolves it in water or juice. It seems to help him.
   — Sasha A.

August 18, 2001
Smooth Texture, Orange Flavor Metamucil every morning in my protein drink and every evening in a glass of water is like a treat to me. Don't ask, but I love the taste of it and it's thick and filling to me. I go regularly now with no hemmies have also eased up since I made metamucil a "regular" part of my day! lol Good luck
   — Jo C.

August 18, 2001
Milk can constipate (or the other), and if you are being scrupulous in avoiding fats, you may need to go back to normal fat eating. WE malabsorb some fats anyway, so some of us need to introduce fats to sort of, um, grease the skids.
   — vitalady

August 19, 2001
It's crazy, isn't it? WE focus so much on the protein and water and vitamins, that sometimes the fiber gets let out. I had major problems and my doc recommended Colace which has really helped me. It's a very small pill and others have said they have had good results too. Good luck!
   — Molly S.

August 26, 2001
Pre-op, I was going to the bathroom about 1 to 2 times a day. Post-op (only 4 weeks now) I go once every other day. I feel that I am not eating enough to I will say that I do find eating spinich, drinking a cup of morning coffee and things like that help me out alot.
   — Tammy B.

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