Need help with soft (blenderized) diet. PLEASE

I am Kim bisson's husband. I am desperate!!!! I need ideas on what kinds of food I can make for Kim. She can't eat the same thing everyday. I know she can have mash potatoes,cream soups,eggs,yogurt,and fruit in natural juice.If anyone has any recipes or other types of soft foods, please let me know.    — Kim B. (posted on January 31, 2002)

January 31, 2002
First off, thanks for being a great husband and taking such good care of your wife! One of the best appliances I had during this phase is a mini food processor. I would blend up a small can of tuna or chicken with some light Miracle Whip and onions. It made a really smooth texture. I also made egg salad the same way by chopping up the eggs really fine before adding the other igredients. I used the food processor for almost everything. One night my family was having chili dogs and it smelled so good I threw a very small piece of hot dog and some chili in the processor and blended it up. It looked so bad I had to cover it with a napkin, but it sure did taste good! Another option is cottage cheese and you can always mix some cheese in with the mashed potatoes to give it a different flavor.
   — georgiacarol

January 31, 2002
A big ol hug goes out to you for taking such tender care of your wife. {{{{{{{{{HUG}}}}}}}}} Egg drop soup is really tasty, anything you eat you can puree in a mini food processor. I got a Black adn Decker wand like blender. This tool is the best. I use it to puree chicken with broccoli, make chicken salad with chicken breast that's leftover from dinner, chunky soups puree great with this too. I use it to blend my protein shakes too. There aren't ever any lumps. You could mix cottage cheese with fruit and it is sort of like yogurt consistency for a different taste. Remember, even though some of this stuff looks pretty gross, it is very tasty. Baby food, potted meat, unsweetened oatmeal, cream of wheat, grits, puddings, soft fresh fish fillets or imitation crab meat cooked very soft anad moist-ABSOLUTELY NO BONES (all on my puree list-plus what you already listed). Hope this helps
   — Cinna G.

January 31, 2002
One thing that my doctor let me have that I haven't seen a lot of other places is thinly sliced deli meat. No beef (too hard to digest) and make sure there isn't a casing or hard edge on it (like some hams). It made me feel WONDERFUL to eat something resembling "real" food that didn't upset my tummy! Good luck to Kim!
   — ctyst

January 31, 2002
I would do most of the food that was said. I would take chicken, green beans out of a can (low in salt) ham...etc And puree them. I would than put them in a ice-tray and cover them up and put them in the freezer. I would have a small meal that was quick. I would take 1 cube out, one at a time and put them in the microwave. 1 can of green beans would fill a ice-tray. And it was very easy for my husband too! (LOL) He can't cook! (Bless his heart) God bless you and good luck.
   — Cindy R.

February 1, 2002
Try tuna or egg salad with low-non fat mayo. Also, I ate Kentucy Fried Chicken MINUS the skin and put into a blender. Cottage cheese, low fat cheese, yogurt. (Sugar free jello and fudgcycles.) It was much better than baby food. I was disgusted too. Had to eat pureed foods for 6 weeks. Hang in there! It gets better.
   — Gail A.

February 1, 2002
fat free refried beans w/melted cheese, bakes potato w/I can't believe it's not butter, mashed potatos w/melted cheese or garlic, cottage cheese, sugar free pudding, fat free yogurt, chili pureed, tuna pureed w/mayo or mustard... lots of things
   — Goldilauxx B.

February 1, 2002
I'm on the puree diet know and I made scalloped cheese potatoes and ham before the surgery and it's great pureed it ends up like tasty cheese and ham mashed potatoes.
   — Candace F.

October 28, 2002
I am only three weeks post op (vbg), and I am on a pureed diet. The thought of eating baby food made me want to gag, so I decided to experiment. Whatever I cook for my family, I puree for me, because I always make healthy low fat meals for my family anyway. I have pureed curried meatballs, chilli, shepherds pie(made with chicken, we don't eat beef or pork). It looked awful, but was soooooooo delicious. Simply puree with a little more sauce. It seems to work for me.
   — heather H.

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