I am wanting to see some pictures of what I can expect my scar to look like?

I am scheduled for surgery in less than two weeks. I was wondering what to expect the scar to look like. I don't want to wake up post-op and flip out. Can anyone tell me what to expect. This is my first surgery and I am so very nervious not knowing what to expect in the way of pain. I have so many questions? These are my three big ones, if you don't mind helping me out. What vitamins do I need to be taking when I come home from the hospital? What do I need to take to the hospital with me? And last~ What kinda of pain am I going to be in? I have never had kids so comparing it to a C-section doesn't do much for me but make me think very painful,lol. Thanks~ Candi    — Candi B. (posted on May 10, 2002)

May 10, 2002
Hi Candi, I had Open RNY 8 months ago. My surgeon does his incisions fairly small (mine is 4 inches). I'd be more than glad to send you a picture if you email me at [email protected] I'll send you one. There are a few sites where you can see people's scars (I'm sure there's actually alot, but these are just the ones that I've seen). <br> <br> and <br> <br> Good luck with your surgery!
   — Kristin R.

May 10, 2002
Candi - any surgery is scary, no matter how many times you've had it and I've had about 25! (leg injury). First, my dietitian recommended chewing 2 Flinstones Complete vitamins until we can switch to reg vitamins down the road. Next, take your normal toiletries to the hospital and magazines, nail polish, addr book, or notepad for something to do at those odd times! I stayed in the hosp gown the entire time and just remember to bring a loose outfit for the ride home. Finally - the pain. It's different for everyone. If you are having a laproscopic, then most people say it's minimal. I had an open gastric bypass so my abdomen was "sore" when I stretched or moved but it was very easy to deal with. You do what's right for YOU and the rest will fall into place. You'll see. Email me at [email protected] if you ever want to talk. Hang in there and best of luck to you!
   — KristyKatt

May 10, 2002
candi I'm 8 days post op and all I can tell you in my experience is it wasnt that bad. I had surgery on a thursday in Los Angelos and from the hospital straight to the airport back up to canada all this done alone. I felt ok was a bit tired but that was about it. My scar is 5 inches and I'm a very vain person, its a lot better then I expected. I've been out walking since the day I returned home (last two days at the mall) and was shocked to see I lost 17 lbs the first week. My only big advice is follow your doctors orders to the letter..for post op care protein/diet etc.. the only thing I would take to the hospital if I had one choice a body pillow!! I got one as soon as I got home and its my best friend..As for pain I have not taken any since I left the hospital.. but that was my choice I didnt feel I needed it. The pain you feel in the hospital can be different from others , mine was on a scale of 1-10 a 4 or 5.. good luck to you (hugs) oh and pack chapstick
   — Robin M.

May 10, 2002
WOW, you guys are lucky... My incision is 11 inches.. Dont panic though, I guess my surgeon had to slice a bit further because of finding a tennis ball sized cyst on my ovary. Which he decided needed removing ASAP. Basically I was cut from my breastbone , down around my belly button, and another 2 inches past that. So, mine is pretty nasty, but that was only because of the complication. Before the surgery, he said on average, the scars are about 6 inches.
   — K. P.

May 12, 2002
My scar is 6 inches long. From the bottom of my breast bone to just above my belly button. It's not too bad. The pain was tough the first couple days in the hospital but the morphine pump helped alot. I really only had paid getting in and out of bed. The rest of the time I was just uncomfortable. I'll send you a pic of my scar.
   — Peggy D.

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